
5 years, 8 months ago


Rush is a daredevil, she'll try anything that could put herself in danger weather it be sky diving or sneaking into an abandoned place. She dosn't show her fears often unless she's truly in danger. 

She's been traveling alone for so long that she struggles to grow bonds with others, it's hard for her to stay in one place for too long, however theres certain places that give her a feeling of home. 

She dosn't have alot of close friends and her relatives are a very sensitive subject she's quick to drop what she was talking about anytime they're mentioned.


Rush is close to birthday cake, she always get's a warm fuzzy feeling when their around. She fears she pesters birthday cake too much but birthday always reasures her that she's not. 

(Big comfort sona for me, i may not draw her alot but she's a special character to me. Please don't offer on her thank you<3)