


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Lee | 19 Years

Lives at Annie's house, usually doing housekeeping or taking care of plants

She | Her

She is someone quite calm, determined and kind, she was born deaf but that doesn't stop her, she can always move on. Since that plant arrived, she feels bad for letting her friend do everything for her, she hopes to be able to pay her one day.


Love type: ''Just-just ask me out and maybe something will happen between us..''


Lee lived a normal life, until he saw a ship fall in a neighbor's yard, from there something came out that stuck to his head and over time that plant grew.

He sleeps more than normal and must always be close to the sun or his body feels bad, no matter how many doctors he goes to, they never give him results, so he had to live with that plant for a while longer until it began to exhaust it to the point that She couldn't even work, there she met up with Annie, an old friend of hers, who invited her to stay at her house for a while as long as she did some things around the house. She refused the first few times, thinking it would be a bother, but she ended up accepting. since I needed it.

He is now living with her and investigating what could be what is in her head that tires her so much.