Hazel Vetelet



5 years, 6 months ago


Hazel Vetelet


Basic Information

Hazel Vetelet


Oct 6th 836



Male he/him

2 foot 6


Languages Spoken
Standard, Whispers









Magic Alignment


This bio is currently under construction

Outdated/unfinished sections: Backstory, Relationships

Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44021304/


Physical Appearance: Extremely short and thin. He's one of those kids you'd look at and wonder if his parents ever fed him. His fur is short and often fairly messy from all his running around. It's not uncommon for him to be scraped up or dirty from running around outside.

Clothing: Capes, capes, capes! He loves capes! He HAS to be wearing a cape or cloak of some sort. In addition to that he also tends to wear more combat oriented clothes, such as light armor. Most of what he owns is blue to match with his work's colour theme.

Expressions: Goofy, wall eyed, happy, excited, terrified


Likes: Shiny things, exploring, food, adventure

Dislikes: Big animals, darkness, heights, sleeping in, being alone

Heights, the dark, death…. Basically everything, honestly

An extremely ambitious kid who's current situation heavily limits his capabilities. Hazel used to work for Calder's Crew, so among other things he loves adventure. His dream is to one day become a world class adventurer just like his idol. That being said, due to past trauma, he's simply not mentally capable of doing so. A head injury will do that to you. Most view him as any other unintelligent Whiver without knowing the circumstances behind his mental state. Not like them knowing would change their opinion, though.

Generally speaking Hazel is like any other Whiver his age. He's a kid who wants to run around, play, and start gaining independence. He has an extremely vivid imagination which often drags him into what most would consider a delusional state of mind. When he gets wrapped up in his fantasies he really goes all out. His imagination can be a double edged sword, though. Oftentimes he's brought into states of debilitating panic due to the images his mind conjures up. He scares easily, too, which only makes him more jumpy.


Strengths: Motivation

Weaknesses: Paranoia

Weapons/Tools: Old fishing spear

Hazel is very small and fast. He is also really good at finding shiny things, even if those shiny things happen to be old glass bottles or candy wrappers. Finding things in general seems to be his cup of tea. If you ask him to help you look for something he'll treat it as some god given task and won't rest until the thing has been found.


Addictions: None

Mental Illnesses: None

Physical Illnesses: None

Disabilities: Traumatic brain injury

Allergies: None


No one really knows where Hazel came from. Heck, he doesn’t even know! He just showed up at the city entrance one day.

The city guards were immediately suspicious. Sure, Hazel was just a little kid, but people don’t just show up in Astra City. There’s no life outside besides demons and ghosts, both of which can be dangerous. You can never be too careful when it comes to demons, so Hazel was taken to one of the cities wizards to be looked over.

Hazel was terrified the entire time. No one was talking to him, even though they were talking about him. This new place was scary, and everyone was MUCH bigger than him. He didn’t know what they were going to do to him either. All of this terror made Hazel scream.

Eventually the guards got Hazel to the wizard, and he was calmed down. The wizard gave Hazel a clean bill of health, and confirmed that he wasn’t a demon. But where did he come from? Was there life outside of the city that no one knew about? This question stuck with Hazel. He needed to know the answer.

The answer would have to wait though. Now that he was in the city, he’d need a home and a job. Because Astra City's population is so small, even kids have to work to keep everything in order.

It was quickly discovered that Hazel isn’t very good at doing things. He can’t be a metalworkers apprentice, the furnace makes scary noises and fire! He can’t help the guards, demons and ghosts send him running in terror. And he definitely can’t be a wizards apprentice! Hazel can’t even use magic! So, what CAN he do? There has to be something…

One day, while wandering the city, Hazel saw someone carrying a bunch of boxes. It was the local tavern owner. He seemed to be taking a shipment of foodstuffs inside the building. Hazel was terrified of the owner. He was a maned wolf, who was taller than the average person. To tiny little Hazel, he was about 500 feet tall (he’s only 6 foot 7). Hazel was going to run away, but the food made him more curious than scared. There seemed to be a few more boxes on the ground outside. The tavern owner was inside, probably unloading other boxes, so Hazel decided to take a look.

 Inside the boxes were a bunch of fish and other meats. Hazel loved fish! And these were very high quality fish! He knew he shouldn’t, but he took a couple of the fish out for himself. There were so many boxes, surely the tavern wouldn’t miss a couple fish, right?

Well, they wouldn’t, if the owner didn’t walk back out right as Hazel took the fish. The owner rushed over and started shouting at Hazel. He wanted to run, but the fear made him freeze in place and drop the fish. His whole body was frozen and trembling! The owner eventually realized that Hazel was frozen in fear, and tried to calm him down. He didn’t mean to scare him, he just wanted to know why he thought stealing fish was ok.

After calming Hazel down, they were able to talk. The owner was still upset, but after Hazel explained his situation they were able to work out a deal. In order to pay off the fish (which now couldn’t be used) Hazel would do some work at the tavern. He was small, so he couldn’t help move the rest of the boxes, but he could help unpack and organise everything.

Hazel spent the rest of the day unpacking food and cleaning dishes. He was actually pretty good at cleaning! His small size allowed him to get into hard to reach areas, or clean places normal people wouldn't normally see. By the time he was done, the place was spotless! The owner was impressed.

Eventually, he learned that Hazel didn’t have a job or a place to live. He decided to offer him a job at the tavern. Hazel was ecstatic! He got so overwhelmed with emotion that he started to cry, which stunned the tavern owner a bit. Finally, he had a place in the city!

Over the years, Hazel was trusted with more and more tasks. He started off just cleaning, but now he was serving food orders, running errands, and even ordering shipments! While his life was good, he still wanted to know where he came from. That thought would often keep him up at night.

Hazel would often dream about this. He fantasized about exploring the world and discovering new places! The Farlands outside of the city were vastly unexplored, who knows what might be out there! Often Times while running errands, Hazel pretends he’s going on an adventure to an unknown place. It makes it all more fun! As long as it didn’t interfere with his work, the tavern owner would let him do this. Who cares what he thinks he’s doing, as long as the job gets done.

There was one big problem with Hazel's dream, however. He was still scared of EVERYTHING! It’s going to be really hard to be an adventurer if simple things like dropping a plate on the ground sends him into blind terror. Hazel knew this, so on his days off he’d try to get over his fears.

More often than not, “getting over his fears” meant “avoiding them entirely and trying to explore outside the city”. So he’s scared of plates, so what? There aren’t any plates in the Farlands. But that all lead to another problem; Leaving the city.

The only people allowed outside of the city were Wizards and guards. Hazel was neither of these things. Not only that, but his reasons for wanting to leave didn't make sense. Sure, he wanted to know where he came from, but no one else really cared. The city is the only place safe from demons, why would you want to leave?

Hazel and the city guards weren't on good terms. He kept trying to sneak out of the city, and they kept having to chase him back in. Everyone thought this would only be a one time thing, considering the guards were all big and muscular, but Hazel continued on with his plan. He had his heart set on being an adventurer, nothing and no one could talk him out of it.

Perhaps one day Hazel will get his chance, but for now his life continues on as normal. Working at the tavern, and trying to explore and get over his fears on his days off. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll actually do it! Only time will tell...



Creation date: October 8th 2018

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Voice Claim: Hamtaro: Hamtaro

Other: I made Hazel after binge reading the Out of Placers comic. I think Yinglets are really funny. Plus my friend convinced me to make one for an RP haha. He was changed to a Whive shortly after I merged a bunch of my worlds into Mirror Domain and solidified my races. He was the inspiration behind Whiver to begin with!

Theme by Circlejourney