


5 years, 11 months ago


✦ Details
NameJeramya Key
SpeciesDark Elf
✦ Appearance
Body TypeTall, thin
Hair StyleMedium/short, messy
Hair ColorJet black
Eye ColorSky blue or black
Skin ColorGrey with black undertones
Clothing StyleSimple, dark
PostureTall but closed off/reserved
OtherNot very expressive
✦ Likes
  Red and Blue
  Hot chocolate
  Company (being around others)
✦ Dislikes
  Physical contact
✦ Hobbies
  Playing the Guitar
  Writing music
✦ Traits
  Extremely Gentle
  Weak (physically)
✦ Quirks
  Is paranoid about everything
  Fidgets a lot
  Doesn't like wearing socks
  Night owl
  Expert in swordsmanship
✦ Phobias
  Sedatephobia (Fear of silence)
  Monophobia (fear of being alone)
✦ Backstory 

History - ShadowVale

ShadowVale is the largest dark elf camp in the world of war, hidden in the far reaches of the Forgotten Forest. It is almost an exact replica of the city of Arcadia that was once located on the united world, Liya, before it was separated into the main worlds known as Peace and War, or Este and Ohta. ShadowVale used to be like any other dark elf camp, with strict rules enssuring the success of their armies. All families had a limit of two childre and any extra would be put up for adoption and trained as a soldier once they reached the age of three. It was  rare for families to adopt children because it was seen as dishonorable to take a child away from their training and brought up in a different way. Being an orphan allowed the soldiers to not have any emotionally connection to the living, allowing them to act only as warriors and nothing else. This system allowed the dark elves to quietly grow their army so that one day they could be the most powerful force of Ohta.

The original war system remained the same for hundreds of year until the III chief passed away. This lead to the rein of Angeline, the daughter of the chief and the current holder of a portion of the night spirit. This spirit was wrongly merged with her soul and quickly separated soon after, however there were lasting effects from the dark magic. She slowly became obsessed with power and could not separate right from wrong. All she wanted was for her soul to stable once more and in her mind, the only way to do that was capture the rest of the night spirit. Thus she became obsessed with finding it. She placed a new rule in effect where families were now only allowed one child and any extra would be forced out of their homes and begin their training. She thought that this would allow her army to grow even larger so that she could hunt the night spirit at a faster pace. Once all extra children were taken out of their homes, she built a force field system around the main plaza assuring none of her soldiers could leave. Only the highest generals had access to a device that allowed safe passage through the force field. The remaining families continued living outside of the plaza. Her army then grew from 5000 soldiers to 8000 rapidly.

Jeramya - Family

Jeramya was an only child, born into a family that did not want him. Once he was born his parents immediately put him up for adoption and left no trace of their existence. From that day on he was known as soldier 1127 and began his training as a swordsman on his third birthday. At the age of five a family adopted him, and he then was known as Jeramya Night. The Night family took him into their arms but allowed him to continue his training but they did not plan on allowing him to become a soldier, they saw it as more of a hobby. The truth is Jeramya hated fighting and hated his lessons even more and it soon became a burden that he did not want to carry. His adoptive family treated him well and he was especially close with his older "sister" Norah. Norah was seen as higher class, being the biological child in the family which allowed her to attend school, however Jeramya was not so lucky. He stayed home and cleaned most of the day and only left the house when he had training. Family was never very important to him because of all the time he spent away from them.

The effects of the new war system

At the age of eight, Jeramya was taken away from his adoptive family into the plaza along with hundreds of other children. They all began more extensive training to assure that they all had high strength, stamina, and skills. Jeramya excelled at sword fighting but was quite physically lacking and had a lot of difficulties with the daily tasks all soldiers must complete. His slim appearance set him apart from the rest of the soldiers, making it very difficult for him to find anyone able to provide him with any sort of comfort at all. He was often verbally abused by the generals and was never once called by his first names because he was seen as a disgrace. Despite his failures in the physical challenges, he was moved up to a higher fighting class at the age of ten due to his above average swordsmanship.

Powers - The Night Spirit

Soon after Jeramya was bumped up to the higher fighting class, he received the powers given to him by the moon god because of his determination and gentle personality. These powers were the same ones that were wrongly given to Angeline and they were still not completely full. Angeline still possessed a portion of the powers making it difficult for Jeremya's body to accept the the night spirit. He was 10 at the time.

 On a cold winter night, Jeramya was approached by a shadow. It spoke to him in an ancient language, one that he was somehow able to understand. It asked him to join it, allow them to become one to protect the people. It gave no more explanation and slowly swirled around him in the darkness. He did not respond but rather reached out his hand to touch it. It wrapped around his arm and then his body before it shot through his chest connecting the two souls. The burst of energy had been too much for his body to handle at the time and he fell down onto his back in the snow. 

When he woke up he felt separated, as if his mind and body were not one. His body fazed in and out and separated into a shadow and them back into himself. It took in a great amount of effort to stand back up and even them he could barely walk in a straight line. Before he knew it the sun was risen and he was late for his morning training. He slowly made his was to his class as a voice gently whispered in his mind. we are one, we are united, we are the shadows, we are the night. Jeramya did not understand and his mind was moving too slowly to register the words. As he stumbled into his class his eyes met with one of the other boy's sitting in the back of the class. Why did his eyes seem so familiar? He them collapsed into his seat and silently suffered through the morning. He had not realized it yet but his soul had merged with that of the night spirit, Jonathan and in that moment he had written out his fate without realizing it.

✦ Trivia
●  He is a magic using character. His soul has been renewed by Shenandoah, the moon god, to allow him to share his mind and body with Jonathan, a night spirit. This is the source of his powers.
● He can't get a good nights sleep when he is alone and is often awoken by nightmares.
●  His eyes switch from blue to black when he is using his powers.
●  He  can see perfectly in the dark due to the fact that he is a dark elf.
✦ Relationships
Best friend and significant other.
Friend, father figure.
NorahAdoptive sister. 

profile html by Hukiolukio