Sherry Bliss



5 years, 8 months ago


name: sherry bliss
gender: female
sexuality: lesbian
day created: august 16 2018
occupation/desired occupation: former actress, current singer/songwriter

height: 5'11"
skin tone: pale with cool undertones
hair color: black
eye color: orange (with slitted pupils, like a cat)
scars: vampire bite marks just above her collarbone
body mods: pierced ears
style: vintage 70s combined with modern fashion, bright colors and bold clothes
other: has pointy teeth and pointy vampire ears

positive traits: friendly, enthusiastic, candid, likes making people laugh, good at making friends with everyone in the room, a leader
negative traits: reckless, parties too hard, sometimes excludes people and can be mean for an insignificant reason, stubborn
neutral traits: sarcastic, likes to take charge
likes: the color orange, any bright color, really, playing acoustic guitar, flowers, old photographs, music festivals, meeting new friends, sewing, fashion
dislikes: dull colored, boring clothes, her whole aversion to sunlight thing, the state of women in this world in modern day, jello
other: n/a

      supernatural stuff
species: vampire
powers: drinking blood, living for a very long time, seeing in the dark, being stronger than the average human
weaknesses: has to sleep a lot, like a cat, sunlight hurts, can't see well in the light, can't live without blood
always supernatural?: yes
other: is the only non-goth vampire


  • ethel - also immortal gf
  • caprice - orange buddy
  • genesis - colorful fashion buddy
  • yves - vampire dad
  • rachel - vampire adopted sister
  • august - friend she gets high with


  • robert - vampire that turned her, also a celebrity
  • abigail - celebrity who she had a romance with in the 70s, probably old now


none relevant

color: orange
aesthetics: here
playlist: here
fun fact: went to woodstock in her late teens, while she was in college