


8 years, 4 months ago


Mother knows best, my ass.

【 Name 】 Tedi Penka【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 27 years【 D.o.B. 】 November 3rd
【 Origin 】 Kavaari【 Race 】 (Wip)
【 Role 】 Fighter Pilot【 Partner 】 None
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


Tedi grew up with an abusive, neglectful mother and a frequently absent father. His father was a well known Commander in his race's military, and while he was the kinder parent and the only reason Tedi made it through infancy he still has a sour opinion of the man for frequently leaving him with the witch that is his mother.

When Tedi was 5 years old, his father died and his mother fell into her old alcoholic tendencies. He was entirely neglected in favour of drinking life away at the bar and meeting men. He managed to keep himself alive and thriving for years, even going to school for a few years. When he turned 10, his mother found out the hard way that she'd actually been pregnant and gave birth to a daughter; despite the alcohol she was consuming regularly, this daughter seemed to be alright and healthy. Tedi was forced to drop out of grade school to care for his baby sister, as he knew their mother would never take the time to care for either of them and without him, the baby might not make it.

For years, Tedi taught himself by stealing books and made money for him and his sister via pickpocketing from unsuspecting folk on the streets; he'd steal anything from outright money to small trinkets worth anything. As time went by, he eventually found a job as a mailman and took his little sister with him on the job, delivering packages and letters for pay to keep them thriving.

A conscription was then issued across the entire planet. The government was running out of men and women to fight their cause, one questioned by much of society or too intimidating for the rest. Anyone of age and sound mind was forced into the ranks, and regardless of Tedi's pleading to stay and take care of his sister he was dragged in as well. Without meaning to, he ended up breaking his promise to her as a baby: I will never leave you like they did.

Tedi was forced to forget about his sister to a large degree, conditioned to remember enough to keep him motivated to keep going. Remember her existence, remember his need to survive so he can return to her, but forget her age and helplessness. This only proved to cause trouble, as he lost a lot of empathy with the process and his troubled life, his lack of childhood, made him a manipulative man with violent tendencies. Early on he took up smoking and even drank some, though would refrain from drinking too much in fear of becoming just like his mother. He was known to get into frequent fights with comrades and was the type to bring a switchblade to a fistfight, but due to his intelligence, quick grasp of his training and the desperate situation he was kept, all violent matters shoved under the rug.

He has since completed his training in flying, arms training, aerodynamics and aviation technology, allowing him to both fly through sky and space alike as well as maneuver effectively, wield firearms, work a parachute and repair or even upgrade his own ship. As long as the thing would fly and kill, his officers didn't care what he did to the thing. At this point he has almost fully customized his aircraft, naming it the Silver Ghost and flying it with deathly precision.

HTML by lowkeywicked