

1 month, 14 days ago


“Nothing I do is ever good enough.”

Mysterious, charming, soft-spoken, Casey is a rather well-loved figure in his town. Quiet and gentle, his very presence is soothing to many-- and with his intelligence, ambition, and elegance, he's rather appealing to almost everyone that had the pleasure of talking to him. He was pleasant and friendly to anyone who rolled around the corner to listen to his violin-- but he always had a strange shade over him.

That's why it was so alarming when he went silent on the world.

For most citizens, it was utterly inconceivable for the local "cool big brother" to have any enemies of his own. Who could hate-- no, who didn't even like him?

Of course, he had one guy who wasn’t happy with everything he did. 

His reputation was everything— how could he ever even think of letting himself become anything short of perfection in a man’s body? Thus, he was never forgiving of himself for every shortcoming he ever made.

Almost every second of his life was spent making sure his name was clean, bright, and shiny. To tell you the truth— he really isn’t the perfect sweetheart he comes across as. The well being of others’ couldn’t mean less to him; all that matters is being everyone else’s #1. He is very self centred, and acts only based on whatever would get him what he wants (positive attention.) Avid listener of his music passed away? He’ll shed a few tears at the funeral to keep up appearances, and maybe mourn the attention for a bit, but ultimately he doesn’t really care for the person at all. He’s also quite manipulative; easily charming anyone into obeying his command— while he lets himself be manipulated by the wishes and opinions of others. Everything he is is what he thinks would get him the most love. He lives a rather tortured existence and is never quite satisfied with himself.

He is very insecure about his appearance and will feel awful if he feels you have not complimented him sufficiently.

Though he may be (extremely) selfish, he isn’t malicious— he gets what he’s looking for and he won’t cause you any trouble. He doesn’t mean harm. Sure, he doesn’t care if you’re doing well or not, but he sure isn’t hoping that you’re suffering. Surprisingly his kind personality isn’t fake either; it’s second nature for him to act like that, and even if it’s partially for his own best interests, he truly believes that is the right way to behave and wouldn’t be cold or cruel, even if given an opportunity to do so. 

He would also never tell a lie. Lies leave a weird taste in his mouth— and plus, not lying means people have no real thing to “expose” you on. Any secret you tell him to keep will never leave his lips, not even for a bunch of money.

Obviously, it’s quite tiring living like that.

When he heard about a new product that would instantly turn him into a creative visionary, he was absolutely ecstatic. Developed by his own old man, no less..! 

His relationship with his father is… turbulent. He knows he’s been wronged by his father but is still craving the affection and attention he once had. Without much forethought, he bought the pill and took it. An end to his artistic sorrows and an opportunity to present himself to his father— an absolute no-brainer (hahaha see what I did there) of a decision. 

It didn’t take long for people to notice his transformation— the warm, amicable young man had changed into a silent, drifting phantom. All he would do is float around and play his violin— never talking to anyone, never reacting to anything, just floating and playing. He’d have an hour once in a while to talk to people— and then went quiet again. He never really got the affection from his father he so craved— in fact, whatever little they had left was completely whacked into dust.

Some time later— an older man named Thomas Clark came forward and privately disclosed some information about his company, and by extension, Casey’s father. Little tidbits of history that the co-founder of Clark’s company would never let the world know— little bits and pieces behind the truth of the state the young man was in.

Now armed with knowledge nobody else had, the young man was ready to take the ship down with it’s captain. He wanted to get the truth out about— not out of concern for the citizens, but to take revenge upon his father for abandoning him. 

And that was when the world never saw him again.