Todd Woods



5 years, 8 months ago


General Information
Name: Todd Grey Woods
Date of birth: February 14, 1900
Gender: Male, He/Him
Height: 5’11 (Looks at least 6 foot)
Orientation: Bisexual (Female pref, says he’s straight) 

Todd is a nice guy, but he relies on his muscles more than his brain. Not to say he doesn’t believe smartness is important, but when he began to struggle in school, he sort of gave up on himself. He believes that he’ll only be able to work doing physical things, such as construction or anything people will pay him to do. He cares about his family, especially his twin brother, but he feels awkward when he expresses it, so it occasionally comes out wrong. Sometimes, Todd can get impatient with Damon, but he is very forgiving, so any anger usually doesn’t last long.
Todd can also be very quick to get angry and blame others for things.
He’s also kind of  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), has had many girlfriends

Todd was born with his twin brother, Damon, on February 14th, 1900. He grew up with two loving parents, Margaret and Tristan. During his childhood, he lived in a big house that his parents owned. He had plenty of room to run and play with his brother. His mother did not have to work and, while his father did, it was very minimal and his father was able to spend a lot of time with them. He had a very good relationship with both parents, but Todd adored Tristan, he was his hero. Todd and Damon would always go running to the door when Tristan got off work.

Todd and Damon did attend school, however, Todd was not very good at it. As an older child and teenager, Todd often had to protect Damon from bullies. While they usually were intimidated by Todd alone, for he was quite tough, there were times Todd did get into fights and even get injured protecting or sticking up for his brother. Damon, of course, was always grateful for this.
While they were best friends with each other and loved each other no matter what, there was a time when things were tense.

When they were about 16 or 17, Damon got a girlfriend for the first time, who’s name was Chloe. Todd, however, did not know this, and when he saw her he starting flirting with her. While this did not amount to much, Damon was furious, claiming Todd just couldn’t let Damon have any girl. Todd, of course, was very confused and tried to explain. While, at first, this seemed to solve it, eventually their lives were a repeating competition for Chloe.

In an effort to fix this, Todd summoned Allison’s ghost to try and see if anything else could be done. While he claimed to have wanted Chloe, he really just wanted to stop fighting with Damon. In the end, Allison’s ghost did not care about them, and was focused on getting revenge on Tristan, their father. They sealed him away, bringing the fighting to a complete close (it had already kind of stopped when Chloe was scared off, not wanting Damon and Todd to be fighting anymore, she stopped talking to them.)

When they were 20 years old, Damon and Todd moved out of their parents house to a smaller house. While it needed a lot of work, it was still decently sized, and Todd swore he could fix it. Refurbishing this house and adding onto it became Todd’s big project while Damon was in college. When Damon was about 25, he became fascinated with the United States of America and wanted to go there (this was partly because their father was from the US). This made Todd’s efforts of fixing the house much more urgent, in an attempt to keep Damon from leaving. Whenever Damon did suggest the idea of him traveling, Todd told him that they would maybe go later when Todd had enough money for both of them to go, and that he needed Damon here to help anyways.

While Damon was attending college, Todd met one of Damon's friends. Clement was originally from the United States, but he came over to England for college, and to somewhat avoid discrimination. Surprisingly, Todd quickly became friends with him. And, even more surprisingly, started to develop feelings for Clement. When he found out Clement was gay, they quickly became a couple.
When the summer ended, however, Clement had to return to his studies. At first, he simply had less time for Todd, which was understandable. Eventually, though, he began to completely ignore Todd for his schoolwork, causing them to eventually break up. This was rough for both of them since neither of them had had a relationship this seriously at this point.

One day, Damon approached Todd with a complete plan for his trip to the US. Todd had to gently let him know that he didn’t think the timing was right and had a million excuses for him. (However the truth was, he didn’t want to be alone when Damon left.) Damon however, took it the wrong way, and told Todd that he wasn’t a little child, reminding him that they were born on the same day, he wasn’t his little brother. They got into a huge argument, ending with Damon punching Todd right in the face. Damon stormed off to his room, leaving Todd quite upset, but mostly sad. Despite several attempts to apologize to Damon, Todd couldn’t get him to come out of his room or even speak. So, Todd went to bed.

When Todd woke up, he found that Damon left him a note, telling him he had taken the ship to the US in the middle of the night.
Throughout the summer of 1929, when Damon was gone, Todd sank into a bit of a depression. To distract himself from this, he often resorted to women. You know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). However, he became so saddened that even this didn't work, so he just gave up.

One day while he was out, he met Marian, who caught his eye immediately. Being his usual self, he asked her out. She rejected him. Unusually, something compelled Todd to pursue her more. But, this time he'd actually take his time and get to know her. He actually began to love her a lot and she eventually felt the same. This cheered Todd up for the rest of the summer.

At the end of the summer, Damon returned to his house in the middle of the night with Veronica. Instead of being angry, he was relieved to have them back and welcomed them to stay for as long as they needed. (Or, really, forever.)

Things seemed to be looking up for Todd until eventually, Marian stopped talking to him. She kind of just... disappeared. Todd blamed himself for this, but tried to move on, his brother was back anyways, it didn't matter. However, Marian returned in April with a surprise. His first daughter, Elizabeth. Todd, of course, was shocked. But he loved Elizabeth and was extremely happy that Marian had returned.

Elizabeth, or Lizzie, lived with Todd most of her life. Marian and Todd also got married in 1936, and Marian moved in.

In 1940, Todd had another daughter with Marian, named Mary. He absolutely loved Mary just as much as Lizzie. However, when Mary was 9, she passed away from an illness. After this, Todd recovered partially, but he was never fully the same. 

Margaret (Mother)- He loves his mom and is always a little worried about her.
Tristan (Father)- His dad is basically his hero. He always wants to impress him, make him proud. Although, he feels like he's never enough. (Which isn't true)
Damon (Brother)- Very protective over him. Treats him like he's his little brother, but he respects him and does know they were born on the same day. No one's closer to Todd than Damon.
Marian (Partner)- 
Always there for her. Physically and emotionally. He loves her so much.
Elizabeth (Daughter)- 
His first daughter. Although she was a total surprise to him, he loves her more than anything else.
Mary (Daughter)- 
His second daughter. He was never the same after she died.
Veronica (Sister-in-Law)- 
Actually best buddies.
Clement (Ex-Boyfriend)- Probably the second in the ranking of people he's fallen in love with. Doesn't really talk to him much anymore, but all is forgiven. Still awkward.

Neices and Nephews:
Lydia- Sometimes too smart for Todd to understand, but she's just like her dad and he loves her.
Annie- Will protect at all costs.
Reznor- He's kind of quiet, but Todd always checks up on him.
Understands and relates to his struggles with his identity, also very protective of him.