


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name



Sounds like 'Starch'




Genderless. He/They/It


What is that?








Shapeshift and stretching


Childish, reckless, curious, energetic, talkative, naive, clingy, sunny, simple.


Heat, dresses and sweaters, sand, smiling, summer, cities, talking, insulting people, hugs, candles, food, bugs.


Rain, snow, abandonment, confined areas, dust, board games.


Doodling. Sandcastles. Adventuring


Scarch is very random and talks about nonsense as it comes to them. Likes puns. Talks very fast. NEVER STOPS SMILING unless they are surprised. They follow people around a lot. Hums. Likes trying on different clothes but prefers wearing nothing.


Scarch is a strange traveler who wanders the sands finding strange stuff they like. They are unsure exactly how they came to be, but they were a set of experiments along with other members they woke up with. They are heat resistant, unable to bleed or die (easily) and so, they decided to wander Centauri and explore the abandoned ruins of the decaying planet.
  Extra notes about Scarch:
-Doesn't remember his original name, but he chose Scarch because when he found his cloak/scarf, he couldn't quite speak properly and called it a Scarch. Thus his name.
-Possibly a mixture of a few different species but the main ones might be Angira and Plasmatrire, and some other animals in there.
-When they were made, their cells were promptly melted down in a vat of cellular goo, and reconstructed. He has no bones and very little organ function so his body can stretch and bend and he looks chubbier than he was meant to be.
-There were thousands of experiments, but only about 14 of them worked - including Scarch.
-Has almost no memories and has trouble retaining them, but there are some flickers of his past life from time to time, which he finds very silly and doesn't understand its significance.

Design: Scarch was originally designed to be one of Bio's "minions" or "sidekicks" when Bio was planned to be a villain, alongside Damion - (Deamon originally). Both Damion and Scarch were chaotic and always messed things up, whereas Bio was the only intelligent one. But of course, things changed. Name wise, I thought that Scarch looked like mashed potatoes and so his name sounds similar to 'Starch.'

Base Story: Centauri isn't what most people expect an alien society to be. It's corrupt, it's isolated, and it's currently enduring an apocalypse. About 13 years earlier, it was discovered Sonne, their main star (Alpha Centauri B) is ending its main sequence earlier than any of them expected. Society rapidly disintegrated and life on the planet became more difficult and complicated than it was, if that was even possible. Things are getting hotter, technology is failing, resources dwindle and friendships are tested and lost. Avery and everyone remaining in the final building of Debris, a little ratty town of steel and rust, have to make a plan to leave. It's just a bit difficult when some of your co-survivors are dying to cause outside of Sonne's accelerating death. However, they have to trust people they normally wouldn't and put their differences aside if they want to escape their planet. And that may be the biggest challenge of all.

    They are Part of Bio's story!