


1 month, 14 days ago


Chandra, the Wish Weaver
Age unknown | Genderless | 6'4" (not including hat)

Born from the fusion of powerful celestial energies at the dawn of the cosmos, Chandra is a mysterious, dimension-hopping celestial mage from across the stars. They hail from the Celestial Realm, an ancient domain hidden from humans where both time and space weave together in a dance of cosmic wonder. Raised and trained in the arcane arts by the realm's elite at a young age, they're able to harness the limitless energies of the cosmos, utilizing their power to maintain balance and harmony across the universe, as well as grant wishes. They can also use these energies to control cosmic forces such as gravity or black holes, manifest objects or heal wounds using starlight, and effortlessly travel between worlds through the use of celestial "gateways."

Serene and enigmatic with an air of wisdom from traveling the cosmos for eons, Chandra embodies a gentle and nurturing spirit. Their compassion for all living beings drives them to use their powers for the greater good, and bring hope and guidance to all they encounter. Though despite their calm and kind demeanor, they're unyielding in their mission to keep the balance and are fully aware of the burdens that come with granting wishes. Their compassion is boundless, but they know better than anyone that every wish has consequences, and will personally ensure that no wish throws the universe out of whack. Beyond their immediate role in granting wishes and maintaining balance, Chandra spends most of their free time wandering the endless expanse of space in search of new knowledge, hoping to one day uncover the deeper truths of the universe and better understand their own place within it.