


5 years, 8 months ago


Name : Voteil (Vo-teal) Kuroghvok
Nicknames : Vovo
Gender : Male
Age : 6 (at time of death)
Species : Kurosian Dragon Ghost
Breed : Seuth
Relations : son of Feuriah and Kurogh, nephew to Asiirha, older brother of Cynder, half brother of Havok & Hysteria
Role : Spiritual Aide
Nationality : Kurosia
Element : Undead
Voice Actor : Jeremy Saurez


Before his death, Voteil was training his soothsaying abilities. Young Seuth’s powers are vast and take hundreds of years of intense training and schooling to master. He could predict the future, see into other alternative universes, read minds and hear thoughts.


Despite being a Kuros, Voteil is extremely friendly, though weary of Skylanders. He is eager to make others smile, be of help, and looks out for others before himself. He can be loving, and still loves his sister Cynder even after her betrayal and banishment. While alive, Voteil was often avoided due to Malefor’s open distaste for him, and his quirks often weirded others out. He was known to laugh randomly at things that were yet to happen, or happened in another universe. He would also compliment those on children they were yet to have, apologize for things that hadn’t happened yet, or tell others about their alternate universe selves. 

However, while he’s friendly, if asked about how he died, Voteil starts to break down. Where he then loses his ability to keep a living appearance and turns into a skull-faced ghost. He later apologizes, feeling incredibly guilty for scaring anybody with his ghost form.

Physical Description 

Normal ‘living’ form - Small kurosian dragon with black scales, silver metallic horns/markings, and teal colored chestplates and webbings. His eyes are seafoam green, and his tongue a bright teal color. He takes on the appearance of a Shire. However his living form is not his true form after his death, and he has to focus in order to keep it.
Skullteil - 
Voteil’s true appearance after death. Kuronium skeleton accompanied by a black mist and blackened eyes. His eyes, however, can glow. Not always seen as a full skeleton, Voteil has the ability to only appear as a skull (for faster travel) or a skull with front limbs. If he appears as a full skeleton, there is a single bone that glows bright green as it is the broken bone that ended his life. Voteil greatly dislikes this form and does his best to stay in his ‘living’ form, but when asked about his death or when he gets upset in general, he loses focus and resorts back to his true appearance.


Voteil was the firstborn son of Queen Feuriah and King Kurogh. To their surprise, Voteil was born a Seuth, an extremely rare breed of Kuros that are fortune tellers. While it’s considered an incredible honor, one that merits a city-wide celebration at a Seuth’s birth, Kurogh detested his son and considered him to be weak after Malefor declares Voteil a curse. However, Voteil’s mother loved him dearly, embracing his quirks no matter how strange they seemed.

The only known writings of Voteil were found by Cynder during her time in Kurosia. She would often smuggle Kurosian books out of the city to give to Hugo, who was eager to learn about Kuros. Cynder finds an odd book in her room, appearing from nowhere, and gives it to Hugo as she could not yet read Kurosian. The book turns out was the diary of Voteil’s nursemaid, but after reading it’s contents, Hugo never tells anyone, not even Cynder. || Hugo’s Findings ||

Cynder and Voteil

Not many know what happened during kurosia’s fall. There have been some posts hinting at how he died, or how Cynder was saved. || related post 1 || All that is clear, is that Voteil was attempting to save a single egg from the crushed clutch, but failed. Cynder’s egg was captured instead of crushed, and she was later hatched, undead, to serve Malefor.

When Cynder returns to the castle, it takes weeks before Voteil starts to show himself to her. But he is never able to fully hold a conversation with her, and only shortly before her banishment does she learn who he is. Their encounters mostly consisted of him bursting into tears, repeating “I’m sorry!” before turning into a skull ghost and vanishing. After her banishment, Voteil has attempted to visit her in dreams, and succeeded enough times over the years that the two have a distant, but friendly relationship. Cynder knows to be careful of upsetting him in the least bit, else he leaves her dreams.


  • Voteil is responsible for Havok’s survival, but is afraid of Hysteria|| Related Post ||Voteil used to play with Havok when he was a baby, but once Havok started to say his name he stopped appearing.
  • Because of his death, Voteil’s powers are still uncontrolled and hard to comprehend. He can’t see everything he wants to, and his visions are often blocked.
  • Voteil was taught by Asiirha, his uncle. He held a close bond with his uncle, but was known to sometimes call him ‘Da’ by accident. He’d always apologize, saying “Oops! Wrong universe!” It is often thought that Seuths have the ability to see their other selves, but while young can mistaken which dimension they’re in.
  • The only doom raiders Voteil has shown himself to are Chef Pepper Jack and Dr. Krankcase, though he’s only softly spoken to Jack.