


5 years, 6 months ago


Name hanini palakiko
Age 26
Gender male
Orient. homosexual
Food loco moco
Love nohea
Slots 2/3

Hanini Palakiko

i wanna do all the things that you like provided you give me time

HANINI (hah-nee-nee) meaning 'to pour down like rain', lives on a small pacific island with their small tribe. Their island is a popular tourist attraction (many waterfalls!) tourists like to call it 'the veiled island'. He works as a tourist guide (like most of his people do on the island) but helps out part-time in a beach bar. Hanini is fun and peppy, he makes sure everyone around him is comfortable and having a good time. He's also a major crowd pleaser, much to his boyfriend's annoyance. Keeps a little pet hawaiian petrel named Bird.

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  • island scenery
  • nurse sharks
  • bird, his petrel
  • spear fishing


  • litter
  • broken seashells
  • poachers
  • seagulls