Mycena Iridescent Latroix Finn



5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Mycena Iridescent Latroix Finn

Nickname(s): Mycena, My, Prince of Ash

Age: 125

Gender: Androgynous Male (He/them/she)

Race: Ailluin

Height/Weight: 7ft with hair and heels (6ft7in) 300 lbs with hair (260lbs)

Birthdate: ??? (celebrates during Winter Equinox)


Personality: +Optimistic, +Generous, +Charitable, +Patient, +Kind, +Gentle, ±Passionate, ± Headstrong, ±Self Preserving, ±Straightforward, ±Curious, ±One Track Mind, ±Authoritative, ±Switch, -Obsessive, -Compulsive, -Sassy, -Stubborn, -Spontaneous, -Holds Grudges

"Of course you can stay here, I’ll prepare a feast for you.” 

Mycena is a happy and optimistic person, always looking on the bright side of life and helping others to feel better around them. Mycena has no issue helping others, offering all they can to improve the lives around them. They give everyone a general benefit of the doubt and doesn’t look to starting conflict. With their desire to help and serve those around them Mycena often does their best to help from taking people under their care or standing up for the underdog. Their gentleness extends from their voice and mannerisms to the way they carry themselves and interact with others. They carry themselves in a gentle manner, welcoming everyone and masking their ability to defend themselves when need be. Mycena is very patient towards time, they will wait their turn because they feel that they will have plenty of it. As long as the person shows reason to not be trying to take advantage of Mycena they will do all they can to help for however long they can. 

Mycena has a very strong desire to live. They have decided that they won’t let fate dictate when they die so when it comes to life or death Mycena will fight for their life when threatened. Very goal oriented Mycena focuses on a task and doesn’t let themselves get distracted, even if they have to do immediate tasks the end goal is always in mind. Mycena has had quite a bit of exposure in a leadership and authority position, they will never take the spotlight of someone else but they have learned to stand up for themselves when they are being degraded. Mycena’s mood quickly switches from being passive to reactionary quite quickly. They are not always aggressive but their defensiveness in self preservation goes in and out when they feel the need to be. This comes off as a sort of switch to a quick spontaneous decision or more likely a sharp tongued reply and then back to assuming the best and being peaceful. This switch is often brought by a need for Mycena to stand up for themselves, compulsively preserving their life and values. 

“I don’t care, you and your goddess owe me money.” 

Mycena has decided he will not let themselves be put down and bullied anymore. They won’t be incriminated because a role that they didn’t even choose to have. Mycena will become passive aggressive and be vocal about their opinions immediately when they see fit and to people who try to cheat him or owe him he is stern and insistent. Even though they tend to be more positive Mycena takes wrongs done to them to heart, holding it to themselves and keeping it in the back of their mind. If Mycena cannot understand or ration why they have been wronged it will stay with them until it has been righted or straighned out. Being so goal oriented Mycena can becomes a bit focused on their own personal goals, this is often put to the side of their mind at all times but it often shows itself in his opinions and reactions. Despite having training Mycena has not had a lot of field combat experience, when faced with intense situations they tend to make rash quick impulse decisions to quickly resolve the issue. 


Summary: Mycena was born to the Queen of the Land of Ash, a kingdom that had once been a large uninhabitable land of wildfires. Mycena grew up in a very prosperous time surrounded by flourishing farms, plenty of food, and high art all around them and their mother often encouraged his enjoyment and breaking tradition to have fun. It was soon discovered that she had a sickness, an infection that couldn’t be cured with what was available to them. In trying to prepare Mycena for their future she taught him everything about being  ruler and the secrets of the land including the biggest secret of the all, the key to its life, a portion of the perfect resurrection spell. At Mycena’s young age they thought that using it could help cure their mother but the spell failed, lost now forever and their mother sadly passing not long afterwards. Mycena was too young to live on their own so they left to their father who had married and had another son. The both of them enrolled in a knight academy where Mycena didn't do well but he got by despite their brother putting them down. The last Mycena remembers of him is a sparring match that went very wrong just before graduation and the two left on bad terms. Mycena returned home only to find that the land returned to its burning state without the portion of the spell, taking the burden himself he raised a Tavern and Inn but they weren't ready for the responsibility of being a leader. It was unfair that this happened knowing that there used to be a way to prevent his home from suffering. This path of fate was not for Mycena, they desired more than what was handed to them. Wanting to explore and learn more Mycena sought to join Centheria, giving him the opportunity to take fate into their own hands and seize immortality to revive his home.