
8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Kiamara by pandoras-island




Withdrawn - Quiet - Uncharismatic - Active - Restless - Graceful - Sad - Apatheic


Avon comes from a troubled past with a broken family and a regrettable teenage past. She left her old home and hasn't stopped moving since. She tends to stick to cold places, going from Canada to nothern US. She's really chill, spending a lot of her day meditating and doing yoga. She works as a yoga instructor when she can, picking up some easy funds and getting to do what she loves. She loves decorating her living spaces with very peaceful wall hanging, stones, rugs, and plants. She focuses on self healing and physical welfare. Avon's social life practically doesn't exist. She is very hard to talk to, and when you do chat with her, it's hard to warm up to her. She isn't rude, just disconnected and avoidant. Anyways, she'll probably be gone in a few months to a new small town. Some expect that she is on a journey of self-finding. Other's don't even think Avon herself knows what she is doing or where she's going.




 Mate: none


 Avon1 by foreign-potatoAvon2 by foreign-potatoAvon3 by foreign-potato