{04} Chiyo



5 years, 8 months ago




♀ Chiyo • Early Twenties • Single
Created by butterseal on July 20th 2018 • Adopted oct 10 2015

 Chiyo is calm for the most part and doesnt worry about most things. She avoids drama and often feels like she is too good for it -- refusing to allow it to bother her. Chiyo is faithful to a fault and sometimes doesnt read people well. She lives in a busy city apartment, and grows potted plants on her fire escape.

Her left spirit doesnt like to talk much and is usually quiet even if its upset.
Her right spirit is a bit more talkative but usually only drones on about existentialism or hums to itself.

Chiyo's spirits grant her the power to grown and control plants. In order to do so she must give her own energy to the plants she grows.
This causes her to become tired quickly and will result in her blacking out if she pushes it too far. She often uses this power on her own garden and to grow herbs and vegetables for food.
However there has been some cases where she will use it maliciously.




  • Houseplants
  • Asian food
  • Rain




  • Drama Queens
  • Money
  • Receiving compliments


  • Can never remember names
  • A bit of a clean freak
  • flying makes her uncomfortable

. [@] ♥