Bao Zhi "Whim"



5 years, 6 months ago


God of Corrupt Judgement, "The Primordial Judge", nicknamed god of bondage

Age: 3200 or so

Height: 5'4" (While wearing 2-inch platform shoes)

Alignment: Whim is primarily a Lawful Evil diety. He will often use the law and twist it to get what he wants. While he is also a god of impulse and does things because he "feels like it" this is secondary to his primary goals, and like many things, he considers causing chaotic trouble a "free time" sort of activity.

Realm: Whim's realm is a purple and grey courtroom with a balcony and a judge's chair where he watches over important trials, be them mortals or godly. It's not often used these days as Whim doesn't think mortal matters are very important and simply dismisses them with a verdict based on his whims. Thanks to Wanderer, it now has a kitchen. Behind the judge's balcony is his office, and somewhere located in there is his not-so-secret lair.

Whim's domain is that of impulse and split-second decisions, as well as unfair punishment. He is a patron of pettiness, decision making, and the reasoning of "because I felt like it." He is the fate that chooses heads or tails. he's also a god of bondage don't question it please don't he's not sure how it happened

His powers include summoning chains and cages out of thin air, phasing through walls, magically locking and unlocking things, and turning his skin into a metal akin to iron. He can also summon old punishment devices from 1100BC onwards, but only if they're metal. The devices, cages, and chains are made of the same iron-like material that Whim can turn into. He can also magically increase the volume of his voice, and when he hits things, shockwaves ripple. Unfortunately for him, the shockwaves are just a visual effect- they don't actually DO anything or affect anything.

Whim can often be found wandering around universes, mentally refreshing himself on their rules. He finds it necessary or else he's never going to remember. When not doing that, he's often in Amber's relam or on errands for her, as she is his current employer. His natural realm is a giant freakin courtroom looking thing where he gets to sit on a balcony looking down at people arguing. Honestly, Whim finds it boring and a pain in the ASS to clean, so he tries to avoid it, but will often find himself back there. A door in the back of the courtroom on Whim's balcony leads to his secret labs, though they're really just a place for him to throw bouncy balls at the wall trying to figure out a plan he's going to abandon later.

Whim is rather serious about his work, though he seems nonchalant, and at times doesn't take events seriously. He's rather arrogant and thinks he's higher than "mere mortals" and will say so often. He believes that even gods have to comply to the laws of the multiverse, whatever they may be at the time. He does, however, respect people based on how powerful he sees them to be. He is easily frustrated at the flexibility of these laws, however, and gets irritated when he can't keep up with the fluidity of it all. He likes to think he has things under control, even when he doesn't, and is also rather neurotic about things being "in place." He may also want to take over the world. Maybe. Dude has a goatee, he's gotta be evil.

Whim is honestly not very...GOOD at his world domination plan. He's very prone to abandoning things as he gets bored with them and then taking them up again later if he gets interested again. That's happened a lot with his plans, unfortunatley. He also doesn't really want to RULE the universe, he just really doesn't want to have to keep up with the shifting laws of other realities. He's also pretty straightforward when asked a general question, but likes to keep his own plans to himself, working on them in his free time and in the background. Prone to be a lackey, but has his own aspirations.

Whim's also not one for sterotypes. He likes the fact he has hobbies. He enjoys flirting and flings, though dislikes dating and relationships. He likes reading, but hasn't watched much TV or many movies until 2014 when Stage, God of Performance, forced an intervention. He's petty and sometimes ridiculous, but he wouldn't turn down people based on looks. He also loves Chinese New Years. Really, he can be easy to pidgeonhole, but hard to pin down.

He's also missing a good chunk of his memory. It was accidentally taken by the Goddess of Oblivion into the realm of nonexistance, and as such, he doesn't remember a lot of his past, the rules of the realms, or a good chunk of his powers past chains, cages, phasing, and locks. These memories can come and go, but he hardly ever hangs onto them. He also doesn't remember his friendship with Nameless at all.

Before his memory loss, he was a child granted godhood by the goddess of children, who destined him to be made for greatness. He became the first God of Law during the Xia Dynasty around 1100 BCE, and from then until about 500 AD he reigned as a fair judge of the justice system. Until he lost his memory to the Namless Goddess of Oblivion. During his time as the God of Law, however, he would often cross domains to other pantheons to visit and exchange knowledge and make friends. After he lost his memory, he lost many of these good memories as well, and doesn't remember his friends from back then very much.