Maxwell Byrne



1 month, 7 days ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis man, he/him 

Species: Human

Abilities: Fire

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Age: Mid 50s 

Personality: A bit of a hardass and a perfectionist, Maxwell wants the best for his family and the kingdom and to take no shortcuts when it comes to it. He is also quite boastful, or rather knows his family is the best fire line in the kingdom and takes no bullshit when it comes to it. He raised his son as such, it seems. 

Story Summary: Maxwell takes his position as the head of the Byrne family extremely seriously, and takes the kingdom’s issues with the same sense of severity. It has made him a dependable, but still not widely liked member of the Sidorian royal court over the years. He married his wife not for love, at least at first, but because her abilities were a good match and his parents approved of it, but over time grew to love her as a person and eventually fell in love with her years after their marriage and even years after Finnegan was born. He raised Finnegan with the same hardness he was raised with, which seems to have resulted in the boy’s overall personality.