Beira Tímea



5 years, 8 months ago


Provisional Hero License ID number
Ref number
Name: Character Name
Agency: content
Grade: content
Issued: content
Quirk: content
Hero Name
Hero Name
DoB x.x.x
Height x'y"
Hair clr. here
Eyes clr. here
This permit has been issued by the hero public safety commission
Code by Atanapotinija

Beira Tímea 

-Beira is the name given by 20th-century folklorist Donald Alexander Mackenzie to the Cailleach Bheur, the personification of winter and the mother of all the gods and goddesses in Scottish mythology. She is associated with one of the Celtic creation myths (which usually pertain to local land features) and bears a similar role to Gaea in Greek mythology and Jord in Norse mythology.

-According to Mackenzie, Beira was a one-eyed giantess with white hair, dark blue skin, and rust-colored teeth. She built the mountains of Scotland using a magic hammer, and Loch Ness was created when Beira transformed her negligent maid Nessa into a river, which broke loose and made the loch. Ben Nevis was her "mountain throne". The longest night of the year marked the end of her reign as Queen of Winter, at which time she visited the Well of Youth and, after drinking its magic water, grew younger day by day.

-Created by the Hungarian author Mór Jókai for a character in his novel 'The Golden Man' (1873). The name is apparently based on the Greek word ευθυμια (euthymia) meaning "good spirits, cheerfulness"

She is very fun loving and clam, but if left alone for too long will get very sad. she has both a "Winter Form" and a "Summer Form"

After finding a place to hibernate she will rest until the transformation is complete. only then will she wake. she does this twice, once for winter and once for summer. 

she is an Ice-type pokemon gym leader, although because of her tendencies trainers/adventurers find her and her pokemon in the wooded area around winter time playing until the snow melts. she doesn't battle in her gym often (mostly preferring to battle outside) but she would only do so because of either the elite demanding she actually use the gym they made her instead of casting it aside, and that she lives in the back area of the gym, this is a common place for her to hang out during the hotter seasons. 

she has a soft spot for puffy dresses and skating heels. 

hates violence and fighting but loves to take care of her pokemon and others. 

her party of pokemon consists of:

  • Regice ( LVL 88)
  • Bergmite ( LVL 78)
  • Glaceon ( LVL 67)
  • Cubchoo ( LVL 60)
  • Snorunt ( LVL 45)
  • Vanillite ( LVL 37)