Vanilla (Dragon)



Race: Dragon / Gender: Nonbinary / Height: 6'3" / Age: ???

Artsy Note: their pupils are slits and their irises glow! I couldn't put that on their ref without it looking weird, so I have it as a note here instead.
Artsy note Part II: Cherry covers them in jewelry and pretty things, so they're often drawn with various things like that. The one constant is their collar, shown at the top of their reference. Please make note of that if you plan on drawing their dragon form!

An absolute treasure, they love to be pampered and taken care of. They stumbled upon Cherry's lair one day and hasn't left her side since. She decided she was going to keep them, as her own pretty little prize, and take care of them. They're very smug and proud, and they're fully aware that they has their looks going for them, happily using them to get their way with just about anyone and anything. They're incredibly snarky, quick to make fun of anything, and is often being sarcastic. They're very playful as well, often bugging Cherry, riling her up just so she'll pay attention to them.
