Josepha Johanna



5 years, 8 months ago


Josepha Johanna

Josepha Johanna
AliasMarie Antoinette, Josepha Johanna
Birth NameJosepha Jogler
NamesakeMarie Antoinette


BirthdayNovember 2nd
Zodiac SignScorpio
Blood TypeAB
Hair ColorBlonde

Before Stand awakening, Brown

Eye ColorPink
OccupationFashion Designer 


FoodPistachio Halva
Other Information
LikesPunching things, sewing, fashion
DislikesWeak-hearted men, dispassionate people
Johan JosephDIO
Maria Jogler
Voice Claim
Miyuki Sawashiro

"I know it sounds shallow of me, but I want to be someone who sets trends... not just follows them!"
―Josepha to Cyndie

Josepha Johanna is a headstrong and passionate girl who moved to France with her twin brother Johan Joseph after recieving a scholarship to the prestigious fashion design school RUIn University. She became interested in fashion at a young age, and learned to sew at an alarming pace. Her stand awoke shortly after her 18th birthday, when her mother died, leaving her the Lady of the Household. Josepha is an earnest girl who earnestly believes she can solve any problem by punching it hard enough, and was quite a delinquent at her old school. She's often reprimanded for not being ladylike, though despite her crude behavior, many can see that she has a strong will and a deep passion. She became the interest of the model Cyndie Avalon after beating her in a fight with her stand, 『HEADS WILL ROLL』, and is subsequently dragged into a more cutthroat world of fashion then she could've imagined, with stand users and catty models. Josepha also wields a matured『HEADS WILL ROLL』's Act 2, 『HEART OF GLASS』later in the part.


Josepha has long, curly blonde hair that falls just below her chest. She has fair skin and sharp facial features, and thin lips, though she often uses nude lipgloss to keep her lips looking nice. Her figure is very angular, and her arms are fairly toned. She has two moles underneath her left eye, next to each other. Her stand 『HEADS WILL ROLL』 also has these two moles in the same spot. Josepha wears an altered version of her old private school's uniform, a cream, short-sleeved button down with a light green vest. She often wears a tie, though it's sometimes untied. She wears an ankle-length deep green skirt, and cream colored tights. She also wears practical brown dress shoes. Despite going into fashion, she dresses quite conservatively, the only thing terribly noticeable about her outfit is a large green bow she sometimes ties her hair back with. Josepha has been described as a drop-dead beauty with a terribly "rough around the edges" personality.


Josepha was always smaller than her brother, and she often wore long dresses with ribbons in her hair. Before she awakened her stand, her hair was a dark brown color, as was Johan's.


Josepha is a rough-and-tumble girl, quick to anger, and easy to offend. She hates people who are without passion more than anything, and hates weak-hearted men next. Though she often talks about things she hates in a person, she does get excited about fashion and being a trendsetter. She often saves money from odd jobs in order to buy the next Vogue, and will choose to buy fashion magazines and clothes over food. She is very fiery and often has strange get-rich quick schemes, and despite being the leader of her squad, Johan is more of the intelligent and well-thought out of the duo. Josepha is often described as "An earnest girl who earnestly believes violence can solve any problem". She seems simple at times, but is actually a lot smarter than she lets on. She is weak to cute girls, and will do anything to protect or impress a cute girl.

Because of her father being DIO, and therefore not present, she has an incredibly protective side, especially over Johan, who is the younger of the twins, and who she feels is less capable of defending himself. She'd often get into fights on his behalf, and doesn't take lightly to her name being tarnished, or one of her friends being belittled. She won't back down from a fight, even when it looks like she will lose. In fact, she seems most calm when the odds are stacked against her. She likes being the underdog, it seems. When pummelling down an opponent, she'll often Oraora.

Josepha seems to have abandonment issues as well, stemming from her father not being present in her life, and holds resentment over him. She gets incredibly cold and quiet at the thought of there being a traitor in her group, and suggests incredibly harsh punishment. She rescinds her words and says that she hates traitors more than anything. Josepha is also highly dedicated and loyal to her morals and goals, and strives not to be a hypocrite, following and saying what she believes, even if it's rather blunt.



Heads Will Roll

Josepha's stand, 『HEADS WILL ROLL』, is a humanoid looking stand adorned in a dress reminiscient of The Red Queen from Alice and Wonderland. It has an almost featureless gray face, except for two narrow red eyes and Josepha's moles underneath the left eye. 『HEADS WILL ROLL』 wears a red queen's crown, and a red gown that shows off its steel petticoat underneath. 『HEADS WILL ROLL』 has no hands, but it has scissors instead, a nod to the stand's power. 『HEADS WILL ROLL』's bottom half ends in a sleek diamond point, which has a red center.

『HEADS WILL ROLL』 has the power of scissors mastery, being able to control scissors, or anything with metal blades resembling scissors - such as old clocks and even guillotines. There seems to be no limit to how many scissors Josepha can control at a time, though making them do tasks takes an incredible amount of concentration. Josepha often uses this power when she's stressed out making dresses. She finds it very practical for her job,

Heart of Glass

『HEART OF GLASS』 is the matured version of 『HEADS WILL ROLL』. It looks the same as its previous act with a glass heart in the center of its chest. The heart can lift the glass in back and front, which adds to its powers.

The glass heart on 『HEART OF GLASS』 has two compartments - a back and a front. The back compartment can be lifted to emit flammable, but non toxic gas. The front panel is incredibly warm, and can release a flamethrower. Josepha only uses this power in a pinch, as it's very dangerous and a highly risky move.

Accelerated Sewing

When Josepha is concentrating on stitching a piece together, she can sew 10x faster than a normal person is able to. She is an incredible seamstress and almost everyone is impressed by her skills.


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Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!

  • Name: Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet.
  • Name: Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
  • Name: In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.


Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!

  • Name: Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet.
  • Name: Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
  • Name: In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.


Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!

  • Name: Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet.
  • Name: Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
  • Name: In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.


  • Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet.
  • Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
  • In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.
  • Nam aliquam leo et risus laoreet, eget pharetra arcu tempor. Integer lacinia sed dolor id semper.
  • Mauris laoreet quam et tellus commodo, at interdum nisi varius. Nullam ut quam at nunc efficitur suscipit ut id massa. Aenean felis mi, gravida non vulputate vitae, ultricies nec ligula.

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