


5 years, 8 months ago


  • Jeffory

  • Age 35+???
  • Pronouns None or they/them by media
  • Species Cinnadog
  • Alignment Neutral Evil
  • Sexuality Abrosexual

"Kill or be killed"

Jeffory is seriously a complete toss up of a Cinnadog. They have alot of themes massed together but it somehow works really well for me despite me not being attracted to these kind of designs? Really enjoy getting or doing anything for this monster and glad others enjoy them as well <3

If I was to really give any tips on this character for drawing... It would be to atomically stop the head at the bottom of his upper jaw, since they have no bottom one. Just add extra fluff below to compinsate for connecting the neck better. Other then that, I don't have much else, I'll make sure to update this if I discover anyother tips!

Have a fun looking through their information in the side tabs or art below!


DoB:October 11th
Origin:Deep Underground
Height:7'10 +??? / 239 +??? cm
Demeanor:Unpredictable but always controlling
  • "Beautiful Parts"
  • Eating
  • Revealing in their success
  • Opposition
  • People in their turf
  • Ugliness
  • Murky Creatures




Is a Cinnadog that has tarnished its mind and being long ago. Fascinated with the many kinds of Cinnas in this world, they always watched from afar, studying and recording their actions. Later, being so akin to his own kind, he worked effortlessly on a device that would allow himself to gain the attributes of other Cinnas. The machine didn't react well, however, and some nights when he fell asleep, he would unconsciously go out to hunt and feast on Cinnas during the wee hours. Captured prey would get torn to shreds one by one with bare teeth. After a while, he discovered patches of different fur rapidly growing on his leg while progressing through his daily tasks. He was concerned but, didn't dwell on it. He carried on like he normally did for the following week. Almost as by fate, the hunting cycle continued for every other week. He canceled any plans of experimentation to figure out what was happening to himself. He would experience extended blackout periods, lasting from a few hours to entire days. This caused him to grow weary and puzzled, believing that he had acquired some extended disease giving him insomnia. After persisting months of confusion, he finally awoke to find a skinned face attached to his leg. This Immediately drew his attention and he connected former events of finding fur and bones around his facility. Fainting overcame him, however, disappearing for what seemed like weeks. The next time he was aware, he destroyed and tore off his own jaw. At that moment, his body no longer resembled himself and was struggling mentally to comprehend what was happening. He quickly lost his grasp on sanity and never regained consciousness to this day. His body is completely devoid of his former self, with the exception of the permanent scar he inflicted. Now, this husk with the personalities of many different Cinnas hungers for the flesh of other Cinnadogs, Cinnacats, and Cinnaminis. Every so often a new section of the body emerges or personalty's to add to the body of the old scientist, Jeffory.

Fun Facts

Every time they consume a cinna, what limb that was thought of becomes that mirrored limb. Additionally gains half an inch to a couple inches every victim.

They devour to find pieces of Cinnas they adore lots, envoking power or added personality. If they find some cinnas design or body putrid they see no use in eating them, they however may make chat with them or inlist them as part of their force.

They can change between 4 different personalities, with all sharing a thirst for parts. The first personality is extremely bossy and strategically plans for "take-downs". Second is hot-headed, liking to play with their prey and talk down to them to remind them of why they are dirt. Third exudes a relaxing presents and trys to seduce meals, he specifically go for ones that turn them on. As an added they also are a fasionista, they spend sizable sums of money on many different styles. Lastly, the fourth slunks and likes to stealth. Many never see this side due to her being skeptical and non talkitive, they love killing for the sport. With Cinnas she remembers, she does open up and become a cutie. All retain most core memorys and events. None currently have any names or confirmed ages.

Kenna originally based Jeffory on the original Frankenstein Story. Story is also half based on the idea of Frankenstein.


Additional edits in history have graciously been given by Archeopsmaster !! ;w;



[ Friend? ] Really just deals with them, but they stick around and don't bug them too much. Some of the personalities will have a conversation to eat up time or entertain them. Finds them absolutely disgusting though. Centipupper finds them cool and sticks around every once in a while.




[ Feared ] The one being all of Jefforys' personality's are afraid of. They tried to forcefully enter the kingdom once and got an arm obliterated. This is the only thing Jeffory dares not to go near. Which made him more careful approaching deity's if any at all. It's also Tynes' Gaurdian.




[ Friends ] They, they, he and she are friends somewhat. They deal with each other to an extent and can have a good time during sleep, where they kinda have a conference in their dreams. Doesn't work out very often to be nice, but they can just chill with a drink.




[ Supplier ] Mostly aquiantances, Todd lets Jeffory spend and arm and a leg on many Cinna parts sent for delivery. Although Jeffory extremely respects Todd in their service agreement. Someone trusted by them.




[ Oposser ] Extreme hatred toward the being haulting their progress many a time. Numbers in their Kingdom and security prevents Jeffory from doing much of anything.




[ Competitor ] Future competitor on group turf. Currently no relations.
