Joanne Madrigal



5 years, 7 months ago


Joanne is a typical example of someone who takes her own destiny in her hands. And of someone who was shaped by fortuitous events and adventures. When Joanne was a child, she was looked up by her father, the naval architect. With Jo's namesake, his wife, the woman who was brought from the high society, they tried to ensure the home which will be always a good memory for their daughter. Little Joanne often accompanied her father on the coast, looking with curiosity on the work of shipmen and arriving and leaving ships. Despite the fact her mother was a noble, behaviour of her daughter wasn't unpleasant for her, because she had open mind and joyful soul.

But her mother died when Joanne was tvelve and her father got married with impoverished noble, Melinda Waterbourgh. She was aged woman, more to say she had already one daughter, which, following by the mother, hated her stepsister like epidemy. Joanne, a rabel from nature, didn't care about it and still spent her time with father, now more than happy with her company.

You can now imagine despair of a girl, when one of the ships where her fatherwas on, was attacked by sea robbers, who killed him with cold blood. Joanne left alone, under care of people who hated her. Of course both women wanted marry Jo with someone, the faster and cheaper, the better. This course of events was frightening the girl, who was avid of adventures and didn't want to be someone's wife. She fastly decided to slither onto first leaving ship and as a stowaway - undiscovered, happily - she brought her dreams on distant continent. On America.

The ship crashed and Jo was found by a shaman, who was specialist of black magic. The shipwreck fastly became a right hand of "wizard" for a lot of years, learning the magic of shadow and blood. They was interesting studies but when Joanne, having nineteen years, heard, that Melinda Waterbourgh appeared in Port Royal, she left her teacher and in the boy disguise embarked herself on first ship sailing there. She was thinking mostly about vengeance but she was also trying to not be recognized. Until...

...until the ship was attacked by pirates. They killed the crew and they wanted to make their toy from Joanne. But full of life, Joanne, very agile and supple, she lead to confrontation with captain of the villains, killing him in difficult battle. Full of admiration, pirates enrolled her to the crew and after next battle, when Joanne lead them to battle and victory, they called her captain.


Joanne is slim red haired beauty with full mouths and green eyes. She has very delicate face shape - effect of her noble origin. But she is very tanned, because she sailed for four years. Her hands are small, body supple, feet silent and little. She always wears knee-high boots which she got from the shaman. Her weapons are daggers, knifes and swords.

Joanne is merciless, cruel and fearsome in anger. Life on sea, hard and dangerous made her character sharp and from the joyful child she became bloody woman. She loves her crew, rum and life on the edge. She takes from life all that it offers and with courage she counquers the world. She tries to learn from her mistakes. Her intelligence and wit help her saving the crew from worst troubles and make good plans.