Atlana Saxe



5 years, 7 months ago


Owner: Goblinkore
Creator: Voodoopunx
HTML: Awful

Atlana Saxe

Kindness is my religion
Atlana was born in a slum city and raised by a cult. To the followers of the Three-Eyed God, it was called a religion, but to anyone else, they were called a cult. She escaped when a revolution burnt its way through the streets, destroying the tryanical hold that the cult had on her. She spends her days now helping anyone that she can reach.

Preacher Woman

Preacher Woman

 ATLANA is a sharp, incredibly intelligent woman with a steel backbone; she will not bow to anyone who asks her to, and she will not let anyone tell her what to do. She spent her childhood surrounded by piety and now her best friends are sex workers and hit-men, and she does not regret those choices. She's a bold and brash soul, but she's kind and loving underneath all of that.  
has an odd relationship with her home. Her only surviving regret is that she wishes she could have been more help to her people in the resistance when they destroyed the cult that had raised her. She is aware, now, that the cult was the dangerous thing, but at the time, as a scared and abandoned child, her reactions had been to fight off the people trying to help her.
 NOT being one to follow the crowd, Atlana's only hope for her future is to forge a pathway to heaven that will allow her to be herself and to find her way to the pearly gates.
 ON her days off, when she's not earning money for her rent and food, she will go around to the poorer areas of the city, where the Rats live. She hands out what she can and finds jobs for them where she can. Because of this charitable work, she is often given favours where no one else is, and can get information others won't be able to.
 SHE is a core part of her home city's resistance now though, using the favours she accrues to give her the ability to ship weapons and information back to the fighters on the ground. It is because of this that the favours she does for the people are so highly weighted, she has often refused people things because she wants to use that information instead to help protect the citizens.
 ATLANA is a woman who makes hard choices regularly, and being a young woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders, she needs all the friends that will allow her to collapse on them that she can get. 


 Sexual Orientation
I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.