Roddy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

robotwally Global Rules

By owning my designs or interacting with me, you agree to these terms

✩ You may not sell free designs you receive without added art, it's just rude.
✩ Do not resell a design of mine for more than their worth, unless they have added art.
✩ By transferring a character, the recipient gains the rights to that design.
✩ You can use my designs for commercial and personal use.
✩ You may not revoke my designs from people after they're transferred.

✩ You may simplify my designs.
✩ Include the original design in the profile somewhere, do not delete it.
✩ You may change the species, gender, body type, and hair freely.
✩ If altering the colors or patterns, be sure you can easily tell they were inspired off the original design.

✩ I retain all rights to use the art I create.
✩ If you own a design with artwork by me, you also share the rights to it.
✩ I support the use of my art to be used for AI projects.
✩ Do not use my art for NFTs.
✩ You are free to reference and get inspired by my art.

✩ If its been 3 months without completion, you may request a refund.
✩ I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.

✩ You may not revoke a character from me for any reason.
✩ If I agree to a trade lock a character, it stays valid for 3 months before becoming void. After these 3 months, I reserve the right to trade the character freely if I wish.
✩ I reserve the right to block and blacklist you for any reason.
✩ I own the rights to all of my characters and their artwork.
✩ Do not create designs inspired by my characters.
✩ Do not kin or roleplay my characters.

if you're seeing this and like my work, feel free to join my server !! i'd love to get to know the community more and make friends !