Kenzoku Hiroshi



5 years, 7 months ago


Kenzoku Hiroshi

眷属                寛

General information


Name: Kenzoku Hiroshi

Meaning of name: Kenzoku - (one's) family, Hiroshi - tolerant, generous

Pronunciation: Ken-zo-ku - Hee-ro-shee

Nickname(s): Ken, Kenny, Hiro, Babyface

Hero Alias: Tesla

Age: 15-20

(15 at the start of the story, 20 at the end)

Sex: Male

Gender: Demiboy

Pronounce: He/They

Sexuality: Asexual

Romantic orientation: Homoromantic

Height: 150 cm (4'9)

Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs)

Nationality: Japanese

Power: Magnetism

Date of birth: 5th of November

Residence: Aoihama, Shizouka Prefecture

(Lives more on the northeastern outskirts of Aoihama)


(CONTENT WARNING: Mild descriptions of responses to trauma triggers)

(Said descriptions are behind a spoiler)

(Please note that this character is a part of a story, so this bio is an overall

view of the character and is therefor pretty static. Some things will be vague)


Kenzoku is a very shy and anxious person who is rather quiet. He often doesn't talk much and often stays in the back, having trouble socializing due to social anxiety. He often gets anxious when talking to people, especially people he doesn't know, and has a bad habit of overthinking things. He often stutters or falls over his sentences when talking to other people, which can in some cases lead him to go quiet. He often only pipes up in groups when he thinks he has something important to say, and typically sees whatever else he wants to say as irrelevant or not important. He struggles with seeing his own worth and can be really hard on himself, often scolding himself for mistakes or falling into thought spirals. He knows he should be easier on himself, and has improved with it, but can still be rather self deprecating. He can be a bit pessimistic, though tries his best to be optimistic.

Kenzoku is an incredibly caring person. He is very kind and sweet and has a soft heart. Whether it is embracing a friend in a warm hug or telling someone he thinks they're cool, Kenzoku cares deeply for the people around him and tries to show it as much as possible, usually through physical affection and actions. He loves others deeply and hopes his love for them shines through, and will absolutely hug someone if they need it. He is always up for listening to someone, no matter if they wanna talk about big or small things. He tries his best to help others out, whether it is providing a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or a disctraction. He is usually good at trying to find solutions and being a good listener, being very in tune with the emotions of the people around him. He is incredibly empathetic and compassionate, completely willing to take a bullet for the people he cares about any day, and can very easily put himself in the shoes of other people, no matter if he has experienced what they have or not. Seeing others in pain or being hurt makes him instantly want to help them and comfort them, whether that is with givng them a hug, letting them cuddle up to him for comfort, or completing tasks for them so they don't have to walk on an injured leg. He tries to get to the bottom of peoples' issues, which often means he tries to give advice or tips, or suggestions as to why they feel a certain way and what they can do about it. He wants others to become their best selves and enjoy life, both as themselves and around him, and tries his best to make others feel comfortable. Likewise, he is very intune with his own emotions, and while he doesn't always know why he feels a certain way, he lets himself feel that way with no qualms. While he'll try to control his emotions when the situation calls for it, he often doesn't burry or ignore them. To him, the emotions of other people and himself are very important, both to knowing yourself, as well as having a healthy mindset. To him, you shouldn't fear your emotions, because they're a part of life and the human experience.

Due to social anxiety, Kenzoku has a hard time socializing. Social interactions, like talking to a friend, makes him very anxious. Going to malls, cafés and amusementparks makes him incredibly anxious, both before and while being there. He often becomes sweaty, starts blushing and will sometimes start shaking when in social situations, and often worries a lot before the situation will take place. He fears hurting someone, embarrasing himself, offending someone, making a fool of himself and getting humiliated, and while he knows that the probability of that typically isn't high, he still worries about it. He knows that his fears are irrational, but the fears are still there. Kenzoku does like to talk to people, but his social anxiety makes it hard for him to form and keep connections with others. He has gotten better over the past few months thanks to therapy, and has gotten better at handling his social anxiety. His anxiety is still very much present though, coloring how he interacts with others, as well as his reactions and how he sees interactions he's had in the past. He knows his anxiety is... not hidden, and has very often been asked if he's okay or if something is up. As he is not very comfortable talking about his social anxiety with people he doesn't know incredibly well, he often says he is, or that he doesn't want to talk about it. Usually this has made the subject drop, though he is certain people don't really believe it whenever he says he's okay. He does appreciate others' concern a lot though, and wishes he could be honest with them about it, but so far he has not been comfortable sharing it. Maybe one day he will, he hopes. For now it he will be working towards overcoming his anxiety.

Kenzoku can be rather self-sacrificing, and can end up putting his own mental and/or physical health on the line for others. He is a great mediator, having a great ability to calm people down and finding a solution or a compromise to an argument, though will sometimes feel like he has to be. Growing up with a father who's temper could go out of control, he has gotten quite good at defusing situations, as well as telling when people are starting to get upset, especially when people are starting to get angry. He hates arguments and finds them very uncomfortable due to growing up in an enviroment where they were very frequent, and sometimes violent. He'll often go along with whatever if it's what he senses will defuse a situation. He is acutely aware of how others are feeling and prefers to talk things out rather than fighting. He is very non-confrontational and can be a bit submissive at times to avoid starting an argument. He'll rather do something that inconviniences himself than end up in an argument with someone, or in a room where people are arguing.

Due to Kenzoku being able to read other people so well, it has lead him to jokingly be asked if his power is actually mind reading. He is incredibly good at telling what others are feeling, being able to see and sense even small changes in someone's mood, body language and voice. He is very thoughtful of others, wanting to make others to feel comfortable and loved, and hates to see anyone hurt. He is very patient and can listen for a long time. He likes to make or give things for people, typically food. He always tries to help, though can also do so while gently scolding the person for whatever is happening, like giving his sweater to someone who is freezing because they decided that they could do without a jacket. It's often light scolding, meant to be more playful than serious, though he can occasionally get serious about it. He can be playful and often lightly tease people he is close to, though tries to avoid teasing anyone about a topic that's personal to them.

Kenzoku has a habit of overthinking. He worries about what other people think of him, and doesn't have a lot of confidence in himself. The only things he thinks he is good at is cooking, and sometimes feels like he might actually be good at helping and listening to others, though that feeling often shifts. While he has gotten better, he is still pretty self depricating and can fall into thought spirals, usually of the negative kind. He can often have panic attacks, especially if he is stressed out or really worried about something. He doesn't have a lot of self worth and believes other people are more important than him and that he doesn't deserve to be loved. He doesn't talk a lot about his negative mindsets or what has happened to him in the past out of fear of burdening people. He knows that this mindset is unhealthy and that he is just as important and as deserving of love as everyone else, and he is trying his best to improve his mindset. Though due to having this mindset for years, trying to change it isn't an easy fight, though it's one he tries his best to win.

Kenzoku is very generous, often giving people something if they need it, like food or a jacket. He loves to cook and will often make some kind of snack for other people. People liking his food always means a lot to him, and he'll become incredibly happy if someone compliments his cooking skills. He loves food and absolutely hates being hungry, often complaining if he has to go for too long without eating. He is much more likely to go somewhere if there's a promise of food, and is rather embarrased about that fact. He really enjoys cooking and has done so from a very early age, and seeing people liking his food makes him enjoy it even more. He takes it very seriously, and packing food is often the first thing he thinks about whenever he packs for travel. He makes sure his friends are well fed whenever they go anywhere, and is the one in charge when it comes to meals, as some of his friends can forget that it's been half an hour since they should've eaten lunch. He can sometimes fret or scold a bit, and while scolding is usually meant in the teasing way it often is, his fretting is a lot more serious. He doesn't really relate to not being bothered all that much by hunger, and will sometimes comment if someone hasn't eaten any lunch or breakfast, typically in a jokingly scolding tone, as he is aware of the many nuances of things like that. Given that his friends often aren't bothered that much by hunger, or doesn't care as much about food as he does, he can often feel like he cares too much. His love of food is a thing he is very self concious about, and is often scared of showing that side of himself in fear of being mocked or ridiculed.

Kenzoku can get a bit sassy when provoked, often making him give some kind of sarcastic response to whatever is getting on his nerves. He can be rather dry with his humor, especially when annoyed. He isn't the most open about being upset or bothered by something, and often bottles things up. He can hide how he feels pretty well, though it gets harder the worse he feels. He is more open around people he is close to, but will still sometimes omit how he feels in fear of bothering someone. The more upset he is, the quieter he'll become and the shorter his sentences will be, as it gets harder for him to control the emotion in his voice. He is trying to get out of the habit of not being honest with people about how he feels, and has gotten better as time has progressed.

Kenzoku is a very emotional person. He feels his emotions strongly, and often show it as well. While he can hide how his emotions shine through, he is still a rather expressive person. Body language, facial expression and voice is easily influenced by how he is feeling, and how he is really feeling can sometimes shine through, even if he tries to hide it. He is sensitive to the emotions around him, whether that be the overall mood of the place he is in, of the people around him, or of specific people. He easily tears up, and does so as a way to express how he is feeling. Happiness, sadness, anger and other strong emotions can often make him tear up, either as slight crying or full on sobbing. Strong anger or sadness can sometimes cause him to be unable to form coherent sentences, which sometimes ends up in him leaving wherever he is out of frustration. He finds taking walks to be the most effective way for him to calm down, though it can lead to him leaving an argument without a word. He doesn't like shouting and prefers to talk things out.

Kenzoku can be reckless at times. While he often thinks through, and also overthinks, as many options as he can come up with, severe distress can cause him to do things without thinking. Someone's life being on the line can make him drop any notion of his own safety, and can lead to him getting hurt. He can be stubborn at times, sticking to what he thinks is the best way to go about something. While he tries his best to listen to others and take their points into consideration, severe stress can make him shut out any criticism and make him do things his way, no matter how flawed it is. Often the aftermath of this makes him feel incredibly stupid, like he should have thought it all out. He suffers from occasional panic attacks, which causes emotional exhaustion and for him to become an incoherent, crying mess.

Kenzoku often feels unsafe when people are angry or are yelling. Due to living with his father and taking the brunt of his anger, loud noises, slamming doors, stomping footsteps, yelling and visible anger makes him feel unsafe. It can range from not very severe, typically with heavy, angry breathing and stomping making him want to get away from the situation as quickly as possible, to yelling, slamming doors, slapping or splintering glass making him want to hide as far away from the person or situation as possible. However, he often doesn't remove himself from the situation, and tries to settle things as best as he can, and often feels guilt if he doesn't do it. This more often than not takes a very heavy toll on him, as he feels unsafe and downright scared, yet stays in the situation.

Kenzoku is very determined. He tries his best to improve himself, even if it isn't easy. While he can be stubborn at times, he tries his best to be as realistic as he can, and back down when something isn't doable. He is pretty self reflective and can look at his actions in a critical light, though has a habit of beating himself up over it and overthinking it. It is not an easy fight, but he has gotten better over time. He wants to make the world a better place, whether that is big or small, and will try his best to contribute to that, even if it may all be small in the end. In the same vein, he wants to make life enjoyable for the people around him. Having been incredibly low at points in his life, he knows how much it sucks, and as a result he wants others to find comfort and enjoyment in his company, and therefor often worries if others are actually comfortable and enjoying themselves around him or in his company. He tries his best to be there for others and let them know they can trust him and talk with him about things that bother them, no matter if it's big or small. He cares a lot about his loved ones, and often cherises all the small things in life. In his belief, the universe doesn't care about him, and to him it doesn't really matter if it does or doesn't. He has people who care about him, and he cares about them, and life has a lot of good and beautiful things to offer, even if things can get really hard sometimes, and to him that is enough. To him, there doesn't have to be a grand destiny or an ultimate meaning of life. He has what he needs, and he is content with that, and if he has that for the rest of his life, then he'll die peacefully.

Kenzoku is rather self concious. Whether that be of his round face, his broad shoulders, his mannerisms or his love of food. He is easily flustered and gets embarrased easily, and if someone happens to hit a soft spot for him, he'll often become apologetic and embarrased. He knows he shouldn't be so self concious of things that don't matter that much, but has a hard time fully accepting those parts of himself. He is on the way to becoming more accepting of himself, though it's an uphil battle for him. This self conciousness also leads him to worrying a lot about others' perception of him, whether they like him or not, and how they view him. He has before been viewed as expendable or useless, usually due to his power, and has also had people underestimate him. Due to his soft and rounded physique, as well as his mild mannered, soft and sweet nature, he has found others often perceive him as unable to hit hard, and while Kenzoku does not wish to use violence at all, he can definitely hit like a battering ram. He has a lot of strength, even if it may not look that way before he wraps someone in a strong hug.

Kenzoku doesn't care that much about personal identity. While it is important to him, he is very open to himself changing, whether that be small or big changes. While really big changes can often take a while to figure out, and can leave him rather confused as he tries to get it all to make sense, he often settles very quickly with what has changed. The whole picture of his identity isn't super important to him, and if he changes, he changes, and he'll figure it out from there. He knows he'll be inconsistent sometimes, because not always being consistent is a part of human nature, as well as the nuances of it.

Kenzoku is a very physically affectionate person. Whether it is giving hugs, gently patting someone on the shoulder or back, or grabbing someone's hand, he shows his care for others through actions. He finds it hard to put his love for others into words, and as a result shows his affection a lot more physically rather than through words. He does definitely appreciate caring words though, even if he finds it hard to give that back in the form of words. While he often isn't as physically affectionate with people he doesn't know, he'll often slowly warm up over time and express it a lot more. He does try to be mindful of whether or not someone is comfortable with his physical affection, and will try and show his care in another way if he senses, or they tell him, that they are uncomfortable. Whether it is not wanting hugs or being given something, he'll try his best to abide by what they have said or shown, and find a different method to show his affection.

Kenzoku can sometimes become giddy, especially if he sees or hears about something cute. He absolutely loves animals, and will freak out if they do anything adorable. It can cause his voice to become high pitched as he struggles to put his giddy happiness into words, and will often just make handmotions towards whatever is adorable. Animals doing cute things is one of the greatest ways to put a smile on his face.

Kenzoku has a rather sarcastic and dry sense of humor. While he finds a lot of things funny, his humor generally lies there. Sarcastic or dry comments about something is rather common for him, and his facial expression and body language typically doesn't show it when he is being sarcastic. He cannot stand puns and finds them annoying, though does make puns once in a blue moon. He doesn't seem to have problems with dad jokes though.

Tl;dr: Kenzoku is a very shy and anxious person who is very kind and sweet and struggles with social anxiety.



Name: Magnetism

Type: Activation

Control: Fine

Activation: Manual

Kenzoku has magnets in his fingertips, palms, feet and shoulder blades. He can alter the strength and poles of each magnet, as well as activate them individually. He can magnetize his entire body, but can then only alter the strength and pole. He does have a limit to how strong the magnetism can be, though can up this limit with training. He is restricted to magnetic materials and over-usage of his power causes soreness in whichever part of him is magnetized, as well as exhaustion. If he keeps going despite having crossed his limit, it can lead to him passing out. Due to the power being an activation power, it can become unstable if Kenzoku is stressed, anxious or otherwise not in a great emotional state. The control of the power is manual, meaning it activates subconciously, similarly to a muscle. It can be turned on and off at will, and does not require anything specific to be activated, such as a certain emotional state or at randon. He has a fine and very precise control of his power.


(CONTENT WARNING: This backstory contains depictions/descriptions of: Disordered eating, starvation, very unhealthy mentalities, self loathing, child abuse, divorce, social anxiety, and other serious topics. If you

are uncomfortable with any of these topics, please skip this section)

(Some things are considered mild spoilers due to the general lateness of it being brought up in the story. Some very serious topics (starvation and very unhealthy mentalities) are also present in the spoilers. If you are uncomfortable with any of the topics

discussed, please skip the spoilers)

(Said things will also be discussed in the tl;dr)

(Not every detail about Kenzoku's life is included in this backstory)


Kenzoku has always been a shy kid. He didn't interact with many other kids and often stayed for himself. While he liked to socialize once he did, he never talked much and often just kind of went along with what the other kids did. He often sat alone and did his own thing, rarely ever going out of his way to talk to others. It seemed to fit him just fine as a kid, sitting alone and doing his own thing. He was born first, and then around half a year later, his sister Michiko was born. The two grew up very close, doing practically everything together. It was often Michiko who invited other kids to their games, making Kenzoku interact with others a lot more than he did on his own. As the years went on, they didn't as many things together as before. As they found their own friend groups, doing things together became more rare, though still a lot of fun. They were still close and cared a lot for each other, even if they didn't do practically everything together anymore.

When Kenzoku turned 4, his power was fully developed. It turned out to be a magnetism power very similar to his mother's. Like most kids, he was absolutely ecstatic about it, running around the house and trying to use it on every slightly metallic-looking object he could find, and also ones that weren't metallic-looking at all. He had a blast testing out his newly developed power, and would not be quiet about all the discoveries he made. His parents, Emi and Katsuo, where both very happy on their son's behalf. His mom would often go "Oh really? And what happened next?" when Kenzoku ran over to her and told her he tried his power on one of the spoons. He would happily ramble about all of his discoveries, and she would laugh along and share his excitement.

As he got older though, the wanting for social interactions with people who weren't his family became stronger. While he was still very shy, he tried to get out there and socialize with others, and it went pretty alright. It was a definite improvement from how he had been when he was 4 or so, but he was by no means a social butterfly. Getting out there and starting up conversations was not his strong suit, and he found it more comfortable if someone else initiated a conversation instead of him. It went okay, and he managed to make a few friends, even if they weren't the closest of friends.

Meanwhile, his parents's relationship was going downhill. While they thought he was asleep, he would sometimes hear their arguing. Sometimes he'd walk in while they where in the middle of an argument or a "heated discussion" as they put it. It confused him, he wasn't sure what they were arguing about, or why they were even arguing in the first place. Though deep down he was starting to worry a bit. He had heard them argue about getting a divorce and not seeing each other again and who would take custody of Kenzoku and Michiko, not that he fully understood what that meant. He had a pretty good idea of what it could mean though, and he didn't want that to happen. He didn't want to not be able to see either of his parents again, and he didn't know what it would entail if this divorce thing went trough. What if he never got to see his mom again? Or his dad? Or they had to move? Or he wouldn't be able to see any of them? Michiko didn't like the arguing either when she caught it, but she didn't see how often it actually happened. Kenzoku often didn't talk about it, or said it was nothing when Michiko asked about it. He may not have fully understood what was going on, but he didn't want Michiko to be as confused about it as he was. Things where getting worse and worse, and sometimes he would wake up and hear his parents argue. Sometimes he would hear a glass shatter or something hitting the floor hard, and he would rush down and find shattered glass on the floor, his parents immediately stopping their fighting when they saw him. His father had gotten so angry he had shattered the glass he had been holding. After a while, he finally talked to his mom about all of the arguing. She promised that he wouldn't be taken away from them and he'd still be able to see them. When he was around 5, his parents got divorced.

For some time, Kenzoku and Michiko would switch between staying at their mom's house and at their dad's house. That didn't go one for long though, maybe a year or so, before complications happened and Emi went on a break to Sweden. While they could still call and talk with their mom, the time zone differences made it hard to find a nice time to chat. Time went by, and then they had a step dad. He was a chill guy, and his and Emi's relationship was much better than the last few years she had been with Katsuo.

As time went on, Michiko and Kenzoku started a new year of school. Kenzoku didn't have any friends, as the ones he had didn't go to the same school. Over time he lost connection with them, and Michiko not being there as much caused Kenzoku to not socialize as much as he once did. He tried to socialize, but was very shy and awkward and struggled a lot. As he got older, socializing became harder and harder. He became more and more lonely as time went on. By the time he reached his teens, he barely had any friends beyond one or two people, but they weren't really close friends, and after a while they drifted away too. This left Kenzoku with no one to talk to, and he struggled with making new friends. He would occasionally talk with other people, but generally stayed silent and didn't make any new friends. He became known as the super quiet kid who walked alone and when he did speak, he'd stutter a lot until he apologized and fell silent. As time went on, Kenzoku's confidence dropped to rock bottom. He wanted so badly to socialize, but for some reason it was so, so hard. He'd get sweaty and nervous before he had started talking with someone. He wondered if something was wrong with him, that maybe people hated him, that maybe he wasn't likeable and that was why nothing ever came out of the conversations he did managed to have. Maybe he was broken. As time passed, those thoughts started to nag him more and more. They became quite apparent in his way of thinking. In his mind, of course he was lonely, no one liked him. Of course no one talked to him, they hated him. He was worthless and stupid, of course no one wanted to hang out with him. It didn't help that his father would sometimes shout at him and sometimes say that he wasn't his son. Michiko wasn't around much either, as she often spend a lot of time with her friends. Kenzoku didn't say anything though, he didn't want to bother her. His mother wasn't there either, as she lived in Sweden, and he didn't want to bother her either.

As his school year came to an end and Aoihama Hero School opened up for applications, Kenzoku had an idea. If he could just pass the exams and get into Aoihama Hero School, then he could show everyone, though mostly himself, that he could do something useful with his life. That he wasn't just the quiet kid in the back that no one liked. He wanted to graduate from that school, wanted to make the world a better and safer place, and he would get through that written exam.

So he started studying.

At first it all seemed alright. He was studying intensely so he could get the best grades he could, using a lot of his time on it. This went on for a while. Though slowly, the studying became more intense. It started out small, a small thought of perhaps he should spend more time on studying. Who cares if he'll have less free time because of it, he'd get all the free time after the exam. Over time he started to use more and more of his free time studying, to the point where he didn't have any free time at all. He started to think that perhaps it couldn't hurt to use less time on other things to get more studying done. What if he spend a little less time on running? Then he could get more studying done. What if he stopped running at all? Then he'd have like 30 minutes to study. What if he ate in his room? Then he could eat and study at the same time. What if he ate less overall? Then he'd have more time to study. What if he finished the page, then ate? Then he could use that as motivation.

Over time it became an unhealthy reward system. Finish this page and you can eat. Do this page and you can eat. Finish these couple of pages and you can eat. He couldn't bring himself to eat when he hadn't finished what he had set out to do. There was always that voice telling him he shouldn't, and he listened. He started to feel guilty whenever he did other things that wasn't studying.

He started to lose weight because of it.

Michiko did get worried, and tried to bring it up with him. At first it was indirect, things like "You look tired, did you not sleep well?" or "Did you eat all of that that quickly?" until it slowly became more and more direct. Things like "Are you sure you're eating enough?" or "Are you okay? You know you can always talk to me if you need it". Kenzoku tried to find some way out of it, telling her that he was okay and that she didn't need to worry. He didn't really see how unhealthy and damaging his mindset was, but he could tell she was worried and he didn't want to worry her more. So he continued like that, even when he could see that it was affecting him negatively. He barely saw his family and would only interact with them very shortly before going back to his room. His father did ask him a few times if he was doing alright, but nothing really came out of it. He wasn't around much, so he would often just believe what Kenzoku said. Kenzoku never heard anything from his mom, but he didn't want her to get involved. He could tell that his sister and dad were worried about him, and he guessed the only reason they didn't do anything about the whole situation was because they wanted to so desperately believe that Kenzoku was doing alright. The exams where coming to an end, and Kenzoku had decided on what to do next. When the exams ended, he did almost nothing but sleep, trying to catch up to all of the sleep he had lost. After a little while he got the answers. He had scored high, the highest score he could get. For the first time in a long time, he finally felt happy, like a twisted reward for all of the unhealthy things he had been doing.

After that, he locked himself in his room.

He didn't want to bother anyone anymore, and decided to lock himself in his room. What he would do, and what would inevitably become of him, he wasn't sure. He didn't think ahead, didn't want to think ahead. It was hard to keep a string of thought as it was, and he was also too exhausted to want to try and think it all through. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was sleep. He had no clue how long he stayed in his room, maybe a few days, it all blurred into one until it all became surreal. He would steady himself on things as he walked around, drink water, then collapse in his bed from exhaustion. He would either sleep, watch videos or stare up into the roof. He only got out of his room to go to the bathroom, which he typically did during the night when his family was asleep. Whenever they, though mostly his sister, would knock on his door and ask if he was alright, he would say that he was tired and wanted to sleep. When they asked how he was doing, he would lie and say he was doing better.

One day, when Kenzoku was walking around his room, he spotted a familiar car in the driveway.

Reality hit him like a wave. It was his mom's car. He remembered she had promised to come over for a visit, and here she was. She knew nothing of what had been going on, otherwise she would've have tried to contact him or gotten there earlier. And now she was gonna know. Everyone was gonna know.

He listened carefully as he heard his mom walk through the door and say hi to Michiko and Katsuo. While he couldn't fully hear what they were saying, he was sure there was a pause at some point, then he heard them run up the stairs. His mom knocked on the door and asked that Kenzoku would open the door. In a weak attempt to... he had honestly no idea anymore, he said no, and his mom asked again. He said no again and then heard the door handle being broken. The next thing he knew, his family rushed in and stopped, him and his mom locked eyes for a few seconds before she rushed over to him and embraced him. She frantically asked if he was okay, but all he could do was apologize, then collapse.

The next thing he knew he was being rushed to the hospital. He had to stay there for a while, getting a lot of rest. He started going through treatment, getting water mixed with glucose and slowly being able to eat food in small quantities. It took time to recover, but in the end he had recovered, gotten back to a healthy weight, and was in a better place mentally. His mom stayed with him for his recovery, trying her best to let Kenzoku know that he was loved and supported. The days passed by, becoming weeks. He went to therapy and slowly started making improvements with his social anxiety. As time went on, he improved and was generally a lot better, both physically and mentally. He is still making steps towards improving. He is a lot better now than he was back then.

After some time, it was decided that it would be okay for him to particpate in the physical exam.

Tl;dr: Kenzoku has always been very shy and quiet and has often struggled with socializing. He is very close with his sister, and his parents got a divorce when he was around 5. When he was around 14-15 and the school year was ending, Aoihama Hero School opened up for applications. What followed was studying that slowly became more and more intense and unhealthy, going as far as not eating enough. His sister did try to talk to him about it, but he always tried to find some way around it and saying he was fine. When the exams ended and he got the answers from the exam, he locked himself in his room. He had no clue how long he stayed there, but suddenly he saw his mom's car in the driveway. She found out what had happened and he was rushed to the hospital. He then went through a long time of recovery and also going to therapy for his social anxiety. It took a long time, but he is doing a lot better now than he was back then, and is still making progress and improving.



Emi Hiroshi

Biological mother


Kenzoku loves his mother dearly, and the two have a very strong bond. From cooking dinner when Kenzoku was younger to being there during his recovery, the two have spent a lot of time together. While he doesn't see her often now that she lives in Sweden, he still calls her as often as he can and talks with her. She is one of the few people he feels like he can be completely honest with, sharing things with her he would never share with any other family member. She is very supportive of his choice of becoming a hero, and her views on powers is one Kenzoku himself has adapted himself. It's not what your power is that matters, it's what you do with it that does. He misses her dearly and always looks forward to seeing her.

He generally takes a lot from his mother, both in terms of looks and personality. He inherited her more stocky build, as well as her grey hair, power and the soft and sweet personality.

Katsuo Hiroshi

Biological father

Strength Enhancer

Will rewrite later. It's gonna get some updates

Kenzoku doesn't take much from his father. The only thing that is really apparent is how his hair is a constant bird's nest.

Michiko Hiroshi


Strength Enhancer

Kenzoku has a pretty good relationship with his sister. While he isn't as open with her as he once was, he is still very close to her. She means a lot to him, and he can be a tiny bit protective of her. The two will often brawl for fun, though they have gotten accidentally hurt from it before. Kenzoku will often take the blame for things if Michiko accidentally pissed off their father, not wanting her to experience the wrath of their father. While the fact that their father treats Michiko better than he, not having a ton of ideas he forces onto her and often doesn't shout a lot of hurtful things at her, does anger him, he tries not to let that negatively influence his relationship with his sister. She's one of the few friends he's got, he doesn't want that to break apart. The two sometimes grapple or wrestle for fun, and is usually a way for Michiko to let off steam.

Oscar Johansson

Step father, married to Emi

Light Manipulation

Kenzoku isn't super close with his step father. He seems like a nice guy, and from the bit Kenzoku has spent around him, he does like him.


Step sister

Light Manipulation

Kenzoku gets along pretty well with Freja. Like with his step father, Kenzoku isn't super close with her, but he still likes her. He is happy that her and Michiko get along so well, and will often let the two of them spend time together without interrupting.

Hachirou Hideyoshi

Best friend

Future boyfriend

Future husband


Hachirou was the second friend Kenzoku made at Aoihama. He kinda just came into Kenzoku's life through Yuki, and has stayed ever since. His boundless optimism and energy is kind of infectious, and he's great at getting everyone in a good mood. Kenzoku deeply treasures his friendship with Hachirou. He, together with Yuki, are some fo the few people Kenzoku can confidently call his closest friends. He is nice to talk to, both because he is great at starting and driving a conversation by himself, but also because he seems pretty aware of how Kenzoku is feeling. Kenzoku sometimes wonders if Hachirou's awareness of his awkwardness and anxiousness bothers him, but can't help but also find it a little comforting, especially in contrast with Yuki's not-so-great-eye-for-that. He does worry if he is ever bothering Hachirou, even if the guy says it's no issue. He feels like Hachirou understands him on some level, probably because he seems aware and takes into account of how Kenzoku is feeling. Hachirou is incredibly good at reading body language and facial expressions, and Kenzoku has a feeling that is why he can read Kenzoku so well. He really appreciates that, though he does hope that Hachirou isn't worried about him. Hachirou is also incredibly talkative, and has a remarkable ability to be able to hold a conversation with himself, which takes a lot of weight off of Kenzoku's shoulders. Kenzoku does try to contribute as much as he can, and hopes Hachirou's ocassional conversations with himself isn't him beginning to feel awkward. Kenzoku finds that Hachirou often gets him talking more, which is probably because the guy is good at prompting Kenzoku to talk. Kenzoku still does worry about opening up to Hachirou, wondering if the guy wouldn't take him seriously. He doesn't talk about it whenever he doesn't feel great, and only talks about his own emotions when he is doing well, which makes Kenzoku wonder if he'd walk away from Kenzoku whenever he talks about something more personal. Though Kenzoku isn't entirely sure if that is true, considering the guy seems perfectly okay with taking Kenzoku's emotions and well being into account. Still, he doesn't quite feel comfortable opening up, not really because he doesn't trust Hachirou, just that he doesn't feel comfortable opening up in general. He does know he'll be there for Hachirou if he ever needs it.

The two often spend time together during and after school, either by themselves or together with Yuki. 

Yuki Kimiko

Best friend


Yuki was the first friend Kenzoku made at Aoihama. Through meeting her at random intervals, being invited along when she was with Hachirou, and her inviting him along for various things, they have become rather close. Kenzoku deeply treasures the friendship he has with Yuki, being the first one he can confidently say is one of his closest friends. She is nice to talk to, often being more calm than Michiko or Hachirou, and is often the one starting and driving the conversation, which takes a lot of pressure off Kenzoku's shoulders. He does try to contribute as much as he can, and have occasionally started or driven a conversation, though it's mostly Yuki who does it. He has sometimes ended up in slightly one sided conversations with her, especially when she starts to gush about the Cosmis Incidents series. Kenzoku doesn't know nearly enough about it to feel like he can say anything of value, and typically he just lets Yuki ramble on about it, occasionally giving his own thoughts on things. He still greatly enjoys her company, both because she is an easy going person, and also because she is good at continuing a conversation, even when he overthinks so much he starts to stall. While their friendship is mostly positive, the two do not exactly see eye to eye when it comes to Yuki's teasing. She isn't great at seeing when Kenzoku is feeling uncomfortable or hurt by her teasing, and will often continue way beyond what he finds comfortable. He has tried to very gently tell her to stop, but he suspects she hasn't caught onto it, given that she continues to tease him. Typically it isn't the worst, just mild teasing that he can sometimes reciprocate, but it has gotten more uncomfortable and hurtful on more than one occassion. That kind of teasing seems to not be as prevalent whenever Hachirou is around, so Kenzoku often tries to stay near him when he senses Yuki is a teasing mood that day. She doesn't seem quite like she sees his anxiousness or the smaller shifts in his emotions, and it can sometimes lead to a lot of misunderstandings. Due to this he is rather hesitant to share more personal information about himself, as he isn't sure how she'll react. He's sure that she'd take him seriously and listen to him, but he also worries she may make fun of him at first as she doesn't realize whatever he is talking about is personal. Despite this, he'll do his best to be there for her if she ever needs it.

Despite the few roadblocks, Kenzoku's and Yuki's relationship is pretty positive. He wouldn't trade her friendship for anything, and he hopes they can stay friends far into the future

The two often spend time together during and after school, either by themselves or together with Hachirou. They also often train together as well.

Osamu Noriko



Kenzoku wasn't entirely expecting to make friends outside of Yuki and Hachirou, but found that he got along surprisingly well with Osamu. While Kenzoku wouldn't consider him a close friend, the two get along quite well. Osamu has some pretty interesting ideas, and has some rather interesting worlds he has created. Though it can be a bit hard to get him to talk about it because he fears he'll start rambling. Ironically enough, they bonded through a shared struggle with socializing.

Atsushi Takeo


Acidic Gas

Kenzoku doesn't exactly... like Atsushi. There's something about him that gets on Kenzoku's nerves, whether that be his almost constant complaining or his loudness or the two combined. While Atsushi himself doesn't seem to share the same dislike for Kenzoku that Kenzoku does for him, Kenzoku isn't exactly on board with the idea of letting his dislike be known. 

To Kenzoku's surprise, the two have more in common than he initially thought. It's not much, at least not that Kenzoku is aware of, but it's still a few things that they have in common. And credit where credit is due, the guy does have a pretty keen eye for details.




Aunts and uncles

Distant family

Kenzoku has an alright relationship with his mother's side of the family. While he doesn't know them very well or isn't that close to a lot of them, he does still like them. His father's side though is a little more... complicated. They, mostly his grandparents, while wanting the best have a tendency to shove their ideas onto Kenzoku. Things like him not crying so much or going into construction instead of becoming a hero. A lot of the ideas Kenzoku can't live up to, either because he doesn't want to or because he by nature isn't that. 


Kenzoku is generally rather neutral about his classmates. He's either more positive or more neutral. There isn't exactly some he doesn't really like, though how much he knows about them does vary a lot. Some don't share that much about themselves, and he doesn't press them to do so.



Naturally broad and rather soft and squishy, not very visible muscular

His hair is soft and thin

He is left handed

His hands are short and thick

Around strangers he has a habit of hunching a bit. Around friends and family or just in places where he is relaxed, he'll stand straight

Around strangers, he tends to be a bit tense. He'll often try to match the walking speed of others and not do anything he thinks might catch peoples's attention. Often walks in shorter strides. In places where he's relaxed, he's a lot more calm, often walking in longer strides.

He is pretty flexible

His voice is midtone and soft, though is often a bit quiet. His voice can get fairly high pitched, especially if he is scared or nervous.

Around others he often stutters, mumbles and is overall a bit jumbled from time to time. If he is on the brink of a panic attack he'll start to talk faster and often become unintelligible. When he is relaxed, he rarely stutters. While he can control the emotion in his voice to some extend, it is quite hard.

His laugh is often soft and quiet, typically laughs through his nose. When feeling comfortable around others, he can have quite the hearty laugh. It's often deeper, though can also be more high pitched, and quite infectious and even booming sometimes. Will sometimes fall into a laughing fit, which often results with him laughing himself to tears.

He has a round and a bit pudgy face and a soft jawline

He likes winter, the cold, a hot cup of cocoa, roasted marshmallows, tea, books, reading, chemistry, quiet places, beautiful landscapes, sunsets, long walks, trying out new kinds of food, ice cream, anything sweet in general, being alone (though not for too long), cooking, calm music and books

He dislikes himself, high heat, loud noises, noisy places, shouting, doors slamming, getting emotional over small/silly/petty things, his face, his broad shoulders, people using a nickname without permission, bad food and certain family members

He loves food (especially good food), dogs and long walks on places like beaches or in the mountains

He hates loud noises, panic attacks and getting anxious over nothing and dark thoughts

He can eat a large amount of food (probably more than someone his size would be able to), exhales sharply through his nose whenever he laughs most of the time and often rests his chin in his hand when thinking

His habits includes that he will sometimes activate his power in his fingertips and press them together and pull them apart repeatedly (often does so when nervous), will often fidget with his fingers, hands and whatever shirt or sweater he is wearing, often close to or with the hem, when nervous

He fears being all alone again, going on stages, a sudden panic attack and his loved ones getting killed

His skills/talents include being a good cook and being creative

His hobbies include cooking, browsing the internet (usually for useless trivia), running, working out (though he does that more out of obligation) and occasionally reading

He was born in Aoihama hospital

An ideal birthday gift would be some good food

He has rather broad tastes in music, though really likes soothing lofi

Generally a morning person, though can sleep for quite a while sometimes

Is a very heavy sleeper, can sleep through a lot of different things

Certain sounds do seem to be much more likely to wake him up

Tenses up whenever he hears glass shatter

Due to his magnetism power, he is subconciously aware of magnetic north and south

Heat makes his magnetism weaker, and cold makes it stronger

High heat makes him sluggish, whereas high cold makes him more energetic

His fighting style is a lot more offensive and hand to hand combat heavy

Doesn't often use his power as it's very situationally dependant

Often feels more confident in his power when he is around magnetic metals

His fighting style often consists of hitting, then dodging or blocking

His only combat experience is grappling with Michiko, which often makes it into his fighting style

Can take a surprisingly large amount of hits

The background on his phone is a winter landscape

Absolutely hates the nickname Babyface. He often gets called it by his cousin because of his round face

Isn't really fond of people using his given name or a nickname without him knowing them pretty well

Is more for casual dates than fancy dates

finds fanciness overwhelming a lot of the time

Often wears gloves if the weather allows it. Those specific gloves have sentimental value to him

Prefers to wear sweaters or other baggy clothing

Often dresses in pastels or muted colors. Or grey

Finds plants and greenery homely

When going unwashed for a while, his hair has a slightly metallic scent due to there being very thin strands of metal woven into the keratin of his hair

Can speak a little bit of Swedish

Often swears in English

Sneezes very loudly