Lord SkekKel's Literatures

5 years, 7 months ago

The skeksis are higher creatures. They never do mistakes... in their minds. They always have right... in their minds. And they never, I say never, admit to the mistake.

You don't believe it? Just WATCH...

5 years, 7 months ago

There was only blood, flowing in small, rippling streams, staining the completely white and heartless snow with ruby droplets and waves.

The snow.

It was long time since he has seen the snow. No, when he TOUCHED it. It was long time ago and he thought he forgot. But now everything, every sensation, every snowflake, came to him with blinding clarity.

The snow.

And now, it was going red with his own blood, pouring from the wound. Rivulets. Circles. And drops.

He opened his eyes, pushing himself to do this, forcing himself, he knew that if he falls asleep now, in the white-ruby snow, injured and weak, he won't come back from this dream and the sight of white perfection will be his last one.

5 years, 7 months ago

Gardener SkekFer was feeding her plants, second time this day, as the rose sun started to fade on the pregnant sky and the storm clouds started to form into most ominous and gravely shapes over her head.

She chirped in special, self invented tune and patted the large plant, which was looking at her with wide and spying eyes, perceiving her every move. That tune used to calm the plant and ease it enough to let her feed it. She found the small mouth in the huge corolla under the most leaved place... she patted it once more, now putting the small chunks of dead animals into the hole that was devouring them rapidly.

"Yes, my little child..." she whispered. "The storm... it will bring the water... which, connected with the meat, will make you grow even further... everyone will tremble before you, seeing you..."

5 years, 7 months ago

The blood.

It was everywhere.

It stained his robes, it flew from his mouth, it was on his hands... the red droplets formed a beautiful yet ominous shapes on the wet floor... His ornamented white and yellow sleeves were soaked in it, as he held the stone in his hands.

He didn't even knew how he appeared here.

The floor was not made from polished grey stone, as in the castle, a place he knew so well, which held his secrets for hundred of trines, which he would call home... if he dared.

Here, in opposition, he felt awkward coldness of this place, alien, curtained, green silk fluttered around him like the huge gelfling wings, taking his breathe away, floating in the huge chamber in strange, misshapen dance...

5 years, 7 months ago

"Tell me a story..."

Illustrator SkekLa and Chamberlain SkekSil, embraced tightly together, were laying in the abandoned chamber, deep in the least visited area of the castle. The room was lonely and almost deserted yet it has one thing which made their stay here more pleasant: a large amount of fabric, once gathered by SkekEkt and now discarted as forgotten and useless: for them it was perfect to lay on when they were meeting here, for discretion and safety.

5 years, 7 months ago

"I don't know, my love..."

"Ish ith thoo bhold...?

"Maybe...we should try smaller things first?"

"Dhon't thell mhe yhou dhon't fhind theh idhea thrillhing..."

"Maybe... but it's my first time..."

5 years, 7 months ago

The feast has just beginned and half of the skeksis seemed to be already bloated with sumptous food. They were eating in a manner which would give a stroke to every thinking creature, partly tearing the meat in most savage way, partly using lordly gestures and manners.

Counselor SkekKel bit a huge piece of a skreeku roast and started to chew vigorously, relishing the spicy taste, which was one of the Gourmand's finests. SkekKel loved to eat, as any skeksis, and his favorites were spicy, strong tastes, which he could find in meat and sauces SkekAyuk has been inventing since ages.

5 years, 7 months ago

SkekKel shielded his eyes with the hand and helped himself into coming through really thick bushes. They were so thick that he wouldn't be able to force his huge body through them, if not will coming from the promise of the prey and lack of vines and green traps just few meters from him, judging by the sight.

He knew SkekLa already sprung with her fast legs and was ready to corner the animal, SkekShod, always smiling, was in his sight, looking at him cleverly from above the drapes of green.

5 years, 7 months ago

SkekKel and SkekSil were marching together next to each other. The Counselor strode fast and impatient, the Chamberlain was smiling in special manner, whimpering so often that the Beast Master SkekUng, working as their military aid, growled furiously.

"Shut up, you worthless worm, we are not here to listen to you female-like voice!" he roared, advancing slightly to him but daring not to push with his anger forward.

SkekKel smiled a little, deeply amused. He started to train with the Beast Master with swords long ago but still couldn't expect the Emperor forgot to send SkekUng with them. He didn't oppose that, he knew that for now the Beast Master is better fighter than him. But he learnt fast. If he kept his pace, he will be as good as him. That won't eliminate SkekUng from diplomatic missions but maybe shut his beak, when he again will be...

5 years, 7 months ago

SkekKel was sitting in his chambers, filling up a manuscript he needed to do for the Historian. He couldn't focus on his work, though. His thoughts were wandering around the mission he had few months ago and from which he almost didn't return. Now, sitting safely in his room and filling administrative tasks, he felt almost empty and lost, after so much thrill... even if it happened long time ago... but what are few months in the endless life of a skeksis?

His servant Tari was with him, ordering his scrolls and books he just used and putting them back on their place carefully and almost with love. SkekKel knew how his servant likes reading and if he worked well, he secretly was lending him minor books and scrolls for him to amuse himself and lick a little of knowledge.