


5 years, 7 months ago



23 ✦ F ✦ Lynx



Typically found along riverbanks and lush foresty areas where she studies and doodles native plant species and fungi - keeping well away from any creepy crawlies that come across her path, bugs make her quite the scaredy cat ! Despite being an avid nature lover, she also enjoys curling up in a warm blanket with a hot cup of cocoa; preferably watching alien documentaries or browsing YouTube. Canela is open minded but finds it difficult to make her own decisions & stick up for herself. She blushes easily and often laughs when nervous, even if the timing isn't always the greatest. The blue flower in her hair is a keepsake that helps her remember to keep her mind clear, think about the little things in life that make every day worth it - from clouds tinted all colors with the sunrise, to the twinkle of stars at night.

Aenean sodales, urna nec auctor vestibulum, ligula dolor dapibus nisi, vestibulum porttitor tortor ipsum a metus. Fusce quis hendrerit ligula. Nulla dapibus augue non magna aliquet tempus. Fusce elementum lectus at diam dictum elementum. Cras iaculis elementum sem, at accumsan arcu fermentum eget. Nam convallis tempus rutrum. Nunc a nunc augue.


Canela is a fawn-spotted lynx with a heart as big as her paws, and enough sass to give a spoiled housecat a run for its money. Hey forest green eyes sparkle with curiousity, adamant about investigating anything that peaks her interest. Her soft brown hair will occassionally have colorful beads, feathers, or flowers braided in. She loves wearing pink hoodies, leggings, boots, loose tanks, converse, and occassionally a dress.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

  • Swimming
  • Sweets
  • Affection
  • Rain
  • Fireflies
  • Fruit
  • Music
  • Hot Weather
  • Seafood
  • Spicy
  • Prejudice
  • Bugs
  • Sticky Paws
  • Tangled Fur
  • Strong Smells


Vivamus in risus lobortis, tincidunt magna ut, vehicula odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque sit amet arcu maximus, dictum orci vitae, dignissim leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam finibus odio eget nibh fringilla, pellentesque convallis ipsum efficitur. Proin commodo odio quis rhoncus dignissim.


Nulla pharetra tortor vitae lacinia placerat. Curabitur vitae hendrerit nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquet, lorem sed pellentesque blandit, leo justo rutrum turpis, nec finibus justo tortor non lorem. Mauris erat felis, lacinia volutpat commodo quis, consectetur nec nisl.

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