


5 years, 8 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Akiel D. Junie
Gender Male
Age 23
Ethnicity Korean
Race Magic User/Demon
Occupation Royal retainer
Sexuality Gay
Height 5'9
✦ About

Aki is a rebel-type man who works for the castle, ironically. He's a chill spirit, who mostly likes to lounge around when at home, more comfortable in his room and beind a nerd or whatever. Even so, he's competitive when it comes to the little things, like video games or show-offs. But most of all, he's quite over-protective of his liege, and would make the sky fall to protect him.

The only thing that got Aki through high school was his test scores. Despite nearly being a certified genius, he never did his work, finding school boring and unnecessary. This ended up working out for him anyway; he's deft with his hands, and he loves to tinker and invent, so he makes a lot of money off of odd jobs. Not to mention his promotion to being a royal retainer, which gives him a pretty relaxed life outside of work.

✦ Appearance

Aki has red hair that fades into white as it gets closer to the bottom. His bangs are entirely red, though. He has golden yellow eyes and thick fangs, along with a forked tongue, due to being a demon. His skin is very pale. He can usually be found wearing a casual red and white jacket, and occasionally a fox-patterned scarf. His pants and shoes are also just casual and comfy, just whatever he finds in his closet.

✦ Likes
Video Games
✦ Dislikes
Big animals
Tedious tasks
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

Aki has always been a smart kid--and rich at that. His parents always pushed him to work for his future despite this, and with all this pushing, it angered him at a young age that they were never even home. This turned him into a bit of a rebel, never following teachers' or his parents' demands or instructions.

Everything changed when he had a chance encounter with the prince. Well, less chance, and more that he actively decided to help him when no one else could. He helped him escape the castle, and ended up becoming the prince's only friend. The optimism and the high standards that the prince held for himself made Aki want to be better for him, and at some point, his rebellious attitude was nowhere to be found. He dedicated his life to helping the prince on his journey.


✦ Relationships
Zaryi The light of Aki's life, honestly. He has a big gay crush on him.
Wesley Aki's close friend. They get along, and he always gets equipment from him.
Sorelia Aki thinks she's an evil bitch, basically.
✦ Trivia
● Aki is a couple of IQ points off from having a genius IQ level.
● His inventions have been included in high-stakes contests and famous books.
● Sometimes, all he does is tinker and invent because he doesn't have the motivation for anything else.
● His magic type is being conjuration. (e.g: creates custom little living things out of rocks, wind, etc.)

profile html by Hukiolukio