


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info










158 cm (5'2")


Kysta by 69erocento

Relationship Status:



Kysta Traits:

This one is a rare Kysta with white eyes. Something you don't usually come across. 
Rumor said the clearer and brighter a Kysta's eyes, the more powerful they are. 

Special trait: Crystal halo (Around right ear)
These crystals that shape like a halo floating around a Kysta is said to only exist in those that has exceptionally large amount of magical power. Much like when a Kysta in their animal form with crystals floating around their paws (which is said to be caused by extra magical power leaking out that they cannot control due to the constraint of their animal form)

Eye of Mana's location: Forehead


Amarachi is often easily intimidated by others, especially of those with authoritative power. He's also a family guy even though he's now separated from them, however, Amara cares about his loved ones including the ones he's traveling with. Amarachi strictly follows any directions and is actually slightly afraid of being free due to his past so giving him options to do what he wants often causes him to panic a bit. 


Born with a pair of white eyes, Amarachi's parents feared for his future as they knew greedy Kystas would use him to their advantage. And so, his parents took Amara with them and moved far away without letting anyone know. Because of their sudden disappearance, the other Kystas were slightly suspicious and some went on a search. Unfortunately, the search turned up fruitless and many gave up. Meanwhile, a group of greedy Kystas held suspicion that the missing couple's child was something special, and so, they continued searching for a few years.

On the other hand, Amara was properly raised by both his parents, in a new area which was a bit more isolated. The first few years of his life was quite joyful although he did desire to interact with other Kystas of his age. Amarachi's parents raised him well, teaching him many things while trying to help Amara keep his magical abilities under control as he has more magical powers than the average Kysta. They also cautioned Amara to never use that power as it can hurt him instead and under no circumstances, he should not use that power, not even for them, his parents. The only time he should ever use that power is when he was in dire need of using that power. Amarachi nodded to his parents' warning and always kept it in mind.

One day, two of the Kystas that were from Amara's parents' village came upon the family (without the family realizing) and briefly met Amara when he ran into them while playing. They immediately noticed his white eyes, the halo that floated around one of his ears, and the features on Amara which resembled his parents. Realizing this is the missing couple's child, they looked farther behind the young toddler and saw his parents in the distance. Immediately excusing themselves, the two Kystas rushed back to their village and immediately told him of the news on how the missing couple from a few years ago were still alive with their son who had white eyes and the crystal halo which floated around one of his ears. The news eventually reached the ears of the greedy Kystas who formed a plan to capture Amara.

Being forced to do their bidding for so many years due to his parents being held hostage and barely kept alive, Amarachi was at wit's end. Rarely being able to see or spend time with his parents while constantly remembering the warning his parents always reminded him, "Amara, our precious and only son, never use your power as it can hurt you instead and under no circumstances, you should never use that power, not even for us. The only time you should ever use it is when you're in dire need of using that power. Unlike other Kystas, you have more magical power than them. Some will use you for their ill intentions."
He wanted to heed that warning but after being caught, there was no choice for him. Amara didn't want to use his powers to do any of this. But... How could he not use his abilities? His parents' lives will be in danger if he didn't do what they said. How could he abandon his parents who did everything to care and protect him? There was nothing he could do to protect them other than following their bidding. 

One day, Amara had a feeling of uneasiness as he went to visit his parents. He usually enjoyed visiting his parents but, just this one time, there was a feeling of dread and uneasiness which made him not want to visit his parents. Upon entering where his parents were him a usually held, Amara talked with his parents as usual but he noticed a slight change in their behavior. During the last minute they had together, Amara's parents clasped a bracelet with crystal charms which were made from each of Amara's parents' crystals and placed the matching rings they always wore on his fingers. Amarachi immediately wore a worried expression but his parents smiled and pulled him close into a warm embrace, giving him a kiss on each cheek. They both whispered, "Amara, remember your parents will always love you and protect you no matter the distance between us..." From hearing these words, Amara trembled in fear on what was going to come next. "We love you Amara... NOW GO." They suddenly shoved Amara out of their embrace and the two attacked the guards who watched over them. The surprise attack didn't give the guards a chance to retaliate. Amara stopped for a moment to look back to his parents who stopped a few other Kystas, "We're right behind you Amara! Don't look back or stop for us, just keep running!" Immediately nodding, Amarachi did as his parents said and as they neared the exit, a group of Kystas stopped them. Amara's father made an opening for Amara to get out while Amara's mother yelled, "Amara! We love you!" And that was the last time Amara ever saw his parents as he kept running and running until he bumped into a larger Kysta that would change his life, forever.


  • Amarachi is an Igbo name meaning "God's grace."
  • Despite being very young, Amara has an excellent control over his powers.