Ikyeri Gageil



1 month, 3 days ago


Sgrub Zeta Session Troll
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She is in the same Sgrub game session as Dezkar, Kiplin, PhestiUkeirdFemtinMoilou, Zyriee, Aleiha, Teiran, KeilikCezori, and with First Guardian Doc Shagg. Also in contact sometimes with her pendant trolPopolu.

Name: Ikyeri Gageil [Nicknames: Yeryer, Iky]
Trollian Handle: creativeConsultant [CC]
Age: Starts the game at 8.5 sweeps (18.4 human years), ages as the story progresses
Gender: Female
Blood Caste: Ice Blue (derived from Teal)
Height: 5'11"
Title: Sylph of Hope
Strife Specibus (weapon): Piekind; Wrenchkind (dual-wield)
Lusus: The Weasel (Weasel-Beast)
Ancestor: The Nameless Renegade, formerly The Tinkerer
Typing Quirk: Consonants are UPPERCASE; vowels are lowercase. ?? and ? are interchangeable.
CC: aM i JuST GoiNG To Be WaiTiNG To eNTeR THe NeXT GaTe FoReVeR??
Dreamer Type: Derse
Planet: Land of Trees and Miracles (LOTAM)
Consorts: Doves
Personality: Rude, sarcastic, and curious, with a soft spot for the trolls she likes. She hates the Hemospectrum hierarchy with a passion due to a tragic event in her past involving the colour pink (fuchsia) and her lusus. She also considers her own morality to be above troll norms.
Ikyeri is unable to properly function in a Kismesissitude (perhaps due to the biological memories of her ancestor).
Backstory: Due to long term ingestion of slime based products Ikyeri is prone but not limited to: random outbursts of emotion, slime comas, insomnia, restlessness, stupor, and slime cravings. She entered a matespriteship with Kiplin which slowly declined and ended after the tragedy of Kiplin's body takeover by the Hunter.
Otherwise, she helps the team with her high-level mechanical skills, creating new cybernetic god-teir wings for Aleiha, and a new eye for Dezkar.
Appearance: Her horns curl backwards. Short, spiky hair with a blue streak in the front. Wears a v-neck t-shirt and shorts with arm and leg bands. She’ll leave her shoes at her hive but you will never see her without her trademark oversized, gray and black stripped sweater. Wears two earrings in each rather large ear.