{ Lio and Avila }



8 years, 7 months ago


 ~~~ Lio ~~~

 ~~~ Avila ~~~

Age: Unknown

Occupation: Apprentice Warrior 

Weapon of choice: Twin Daggers

Bio: Lio Is known as being a mischievous and careless character. Is also became the companion/apprentice of Avila after the responsibly was handed down to her by their older master. He was never really okay with the idea of having to learn from Avila since he believes that he knows more, but he follows along with her anyways. Lio is more wild and outgoing if compared to Avila, he also more quick on his feet. Lio's preferred weapon are daggers, but can handle light-weighted swords just fine.  


Age: Unknown

Occupation: Warrior/Mentor

Weapon of choice: Halberd (or Silverwind)

Bio: Has been an apprentice for most of her life, only recently had her and Lio's master disappeared without any trace. Now with their master gone Avila has to shift her role and now become the one who trains and teaches Lio since she has been the one under their older master's care the longest. Basically Avila is very caring and friendly but can be very stubborn and hard to deal with when it comes to disagreements. She is also great with handling large and heavy weapons, but her most used one is her halberd ( nicknamed it Silverwind due to its fast speed and sharpness).  



Is a W.I.P

//hnnnggg i love them a lot okay like if anyone is reading this and has rpg characters,, plz throw your rpg children at me so they can  i n t e r a c t