

Salty Olives

Salty Olives 
Height Difference20.4 cm (8 in)
Age Difference2 months & 13 days
StatusTerminated (after Abbacchio's death)
NicknamesLeone || Olive

You don't have to say a word, Leone. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay for as long as you need me. 

— Olive, to Abbacchio

Salty Olives (サルティ ・ オリブス Saruti Oribusu), alternatively known as AbbaLiv is the pairing between Leone Abbacchio and Oliva Pecora from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo.


10445947_RhQC8M4STXewMsB.pngOlive and Abbacchio first met several years prior to the events of Vento Aureo, before Olive joined Passione and while Abbacchio worked as a police officer. During that particular meeting, Olive had attempted to swindle him with some sleight of hand tricks. Unfortunately for her, this did not work, as Abbacchio saw right through her act. Rather than being disappointed by this, however, Olive was intrigued; most people usually took what she did and said at face value.

At the time they met, Abbacchio was off duty; thus, Olive did not know he was a police officer. A second encounter and a second attempt at swindling Abbacchio while he was in uniform, and Olive quickly learned that it probably wasn't smart to try and swindle a police officer. Some of them just couldn't be manipulated.

A year later, Olive and Abbacchio crossed paths again. By this time, both had joined Passione and were members of different squads. Both were surprised to see each other again under such circumstances; for one, Olive had not pegged Abbacchio for the type to go from being a police officer to becoming a gangster. Part of Abbacchio was not completely shocked to learn that Olive had joined Passione, but he was amazed to learn that she was the leader of her own squad. During their occasional encounters, Abbacchio always made it abundantly clear that he did not trust Olive in the slightest. Olive, however, took this as a challenge instead of an insult. She started taking pleasure in teasing him whenever she encountered him. For example, she'd be overly touchy-feely with him and try to sweet-talk him, hoping that her friendliness would get him to open up and like him a little more. Naturally, these superficial attempts at winning him over failed.

It was at another point that Abbacchio encountered Olive while she was with her squad. She'd just finished pickpocketing a rather wealthy man, and then, she used the money to treat her squad to some much needed items and meals. He quietly observed the way she treated them like family, and how deeply she cared for them. It finally dawned on him that Olive's greed stemmed from a desire to financially support herself and those whom she loved. Though he disliked her means of doing so, he started to understand her better.

Their next encounter would be one-on-one. They happened to pass each other in a dark alleyway. Olive attempted to start a conversation with a reluctant Abbacchio, which did not seem to be going particularly well. Olive was then attacked by an enemy Stand user who had been stalking her. Said Stand user was someone she'd swindled recently. The enemy mistook Abbacchio as one of Olive's subordinates and attacked him as well. Not wishing to get Abbacchio involved in something that was her problem, Olive protected him, receiving injuries in the process. Seeing that the enemy would likely not allow him to escape without a fight, Abbacchio assisted Olive in the battle, along with his own Stand. Together, the two of them defeated the enemy. Abbacchio even helped Olive patch her wounds after the battle. This particular encounter brought them closer together and resulted in them trusting each other more.

Over the next year, the two developed an odd bond. As the two of them were members of separate squads in Passione, they were not particularly keen on their allies learning about their strange friendship. The two often met late at night to spend time with each other, specifically at times when their respective squad members would be asleep. Meetings at restaurants eventually became nights spent at hotel rooms. Eventually, their bond transcended one of mere friendship, and the two began an intimate relationship known only to them.

Olive and Abbacchio are together before the events of Vento Aureo, though both have yet to verbally confess their love for each other. Shortly before Team Bucciarati travels to Pompeii, the two share their final night together. Olive wishes Abbacchio safe travels, and she comes close to making her confession of love for the first time. However, she decides not to say anything, deciding instead to save the verbal confession for a later, less chaotic point in time, perhaps during their next encounter.

To her chagrin, Abbacchio was killed, leaving her utterly heartbroken and distraught. She quickly regretted not verbally confessing her love for him before her left for Pompeii, as well as the fact that she never even had the chance to say goodbye to him when he died. Ultimately, however, she chooses to honour Abbacchio's memory and her relationship with him even after he is gone.


Salty Olives is a ship that neither party intended to happen, but somehow, it did. As both are members of Passione, they were hesitant to start a relationship with the other, knowing the risks and stressors related to their jobs. As time passed, however, falling for each other was inevitable. They don't get to spend too much time together, but the time they do spend with each other is greatly cherished.

Olive and Abbacchio are never seen together in public, at least not romantically. The romantic and intimate side of their relationship is private; they are the only two who know about it. When seen in public, the two treat each other in a neutral and professional manner.

Between the two, Olive was the first one to fall in love. It took Abbacchio a while to realize just how much Olive adored him, even in spite of all his faults. He feels a sense of solace in Olive, and he is always amazed at how much she could love someone like him. Olive dotes heavily on Abbacchio and loves pampering him in any way she can, including cooking for him, giving him massages, or simply holding him in relaxing embraces. She knows that Abbacchio struggles with heavy insecurities and that he is highly self critical, but she remains faithful and encouraging at all times. Even when Abbacchio feels that he's become something of a burden to Olive, she always consoles him. A typical comforting session involves the two sitting or lying somewhere comfortable, with Olive holding Abbacchio and either rubbing his back or stroking his hair.

The two prefer to let their actions speak for themselves. Though Olive is extroverted and loves to talk, she also enjoys showing affection for Abbacchio through physical contact. This is typically done through hand-holding, pecks on the cheek and hands, and initiating mouth kisses. Olive's physical presence is reassuring to Abbacchio; he loves being as close to her as possible (i.e. sitting beside her, lying next to her, and holding her hands). The two are quite physically intimate.

Whenever they sit and converse, Olive always holds both of Abbacchio's hands and looks him directly in the eye, giving him her undivided attention. Abbacchio talks far less than Olive does, and she's perfectly aware of this. She makes a point to be as receptive and warm as possible whenever he confides anything in her, as she knows that he has a difficult time expressing himself through words.

Both certainly have their differences, with Abbacchio more pessimistic, reserved and stern, and Olive more outgoing and cheerful. Many of their arguments occur over disagreements or differing points of view. As Abbacchio tends to be prideful, he has a difficult time admitting when he is wrong, or considering points of view other than his own. Their arguments can become quite verbally heated, depending on the subject matter. While in a fight, both can go for days without speaking to each other. In the end, however, the two always wind up missing each other's company. Nearly all fights are resolved through physical intimacy (in part, as a form of stress relief) with almost no need for verbal conflict resolution.

Olive and Abbacchio most commonly spend their nights together in a hotel room. They enjoy watching auto racing (and playfully betting on televised auto races), as well as order pizzas, share some wine, and watch films. Film watching is typically done while leaning on each other and in silence, unless the film is awful. If the latter is the case, then the two of them openly enjoy criticizing films together.


Need You TonightINXS

I need you tonight, 'cause I'm not sleeping
There's something about you, girl
That makes me sweat...

In Her EyesJosh Groban

She stares through my shadow, she sees something more
Believes there's a light in me, 
She is sure...

Je T'adoreEurielle 

Je t'adore, t'adore
Aah, aah, 
Aah, Je suis en amour...

More Than WordsExtreme

All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close, don't ever let me go...

Never Close Our EyesAdam Lambert

Forget about the sunrise, 
fight the sleep in your eyes,
I don't want to miss a second with you...

Bittersweet Within Temptation

All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you...


Oh might I see her once again
Death would soon steal this heart
Now sad and sore, would beat anew
A while and then no more...

My Heart Will Go OnCeline Dion

Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone
Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to
In my life, we'll always go on...


  • Olive and Abbacchio are both on first-name basis with each other, something that reflects the intimacy of their relationship.
  • Shortly after she first met Abbacchio, Olive started teaching her dog, Boston, how to say "Abbacchio." The dog only knows how to say "A-bah-bah" for the duration of Olive and Abbacchio's relationship.
  • I cry daily over this ship, thank you very much.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Glasses-Dog