


5 years, 11 months ago




Angry Work Driven Tactical

"Blood makes your related. 

Loyalty makes you Family. "

Name: Malik
Called: Mal
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Unknown
Element: Metal & Fire
Orientation: Gay
Race: Lion of the Cosmos
Height:12.4 Ft
Build: Ectomorph
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Mate: --




Malik grew up with his father within the rebellion before that collapsed. He was the only one of his siblings that went to live with his father when they were all separated. Growing up his only life goal was to be like his father and grandfather, a strong warrior of the rebellion. What he didn't know were the secrets and lies his father kept from him, the truth he wish he had known from the beginning. Malik was always an angry cub, he often let his emotions get the better of him. As he aged he was never taught how to keep his emotions and feelings in check so it just grew into something he was never able to control. Malik one day learned that his father has made regular trips to the outskirts of the pride to visit a brother he didn't know he had. This was the first of many snapping points for the young lion. He resented his father. This created a grudge that he would never get over. When Cathan went missing he went on like nothing ever happened, like that lion was never apart of his life to begin with. 

Malik now lives within the scourge, becoming a loyal warrior for Aeros. Having disowned any of his blood family Malik has only one wish in life. Find the rest of the siblings and rid Lochren of the tainted blood that is his family. 


"You think I don't see who you really are
I've got news coming"

Forthright - Hard working - Loyal  

Even though Malik has such a troubled past he doesn't let that stop him from doing what he wants, he believes that is he puts his mind to something and ignores what others have to say about it he can achieve anything he wants. He will never half-ass anything because he believes that will never truly get him anywhere in life. He also believes that lying will get you nowhere, honestly is the best policy when it comes to handling any situation. If you have to lie to someone else to get out of something you have done a horrible job in the first place. Sometimes he can be a little too brutal when it comes to telling some people things, but he refuses to tell a lie to another lion. 

Malik is also very loyal to any cause that he supports, he will fight tooth and nail to help someone who needs support. Often this causes some people to take a second take but its not as uncommon as someone might think. Malik will support those who fight along side him and he just wants to see the best in everyone around him as long as they are on the same side of him. There are times when the angry side of him can calm down and he can actually be a normal contributing member of society. When given work, Malik does it, when asked to help with something he is often the first lion to offer assistance. Deep down hes a good guy, he just needs to get over his thick outer shell to be free of the personal hell within his own head.

Emotional - Outspoken - Proud

Malik has a very difficult time controlling himself and his emotions, most of the time hes often within a state of angry but you can never truly know before dealing with him. He could be happy one moment to only change the next minute and doesn't want anything to do with you. Now he isn't emotional in the sense were the smallest of things can set him off into a blubbering mess, its just the fact that his emotions can change on him within a moment notice. He was never taught how to handle himself or how to channel his inner emotions which leads to one of his biggest weaknesses. Often times when Malik has an opinion he isn't afraid to speak his mind about it. If there is something he doesn't like, you will know about it. He doesn't like you? Well that's a shame because he will make it known to everyone around him and even you. Of course this has gotten him into a lot of trouble growing up but he never really saw the point of hiding his true thoughts and lying to someone to protect their emotions. Its not his responsibility to make sure everyone is happy and in a good mood. Malik also tends to be a little too proud of himself for his own good. He has worked hard to get where he is and proud that he was able to do something with his life without his father ruining everything for him. Which leads to Malik being overconfident in himself.

Angry - Arrogant - Difficult -  Grudgeful - Ignorant

His biggest life problem was the fact he was able to grow up so angry and he never got any help from his father on how to keep it in check. Cathan was never aware of what was bubbling under the skin of the young Malik and what help he really needed. For most of his cubhood he was just treated like any other cub and was never given the outlet he needed to release the extra anger and issues. Over the years the anger just kept building until he was unable to control it. Thing after thing kept piling on and it got to the point were he just couldn't handle everything. Grown now, Malik is angry at the world and everyone who has lied or tricked him into thinking that his father knew best and gave him the best life he could have. This created a grudge that Malik would never be able to drop, even though his biological father has long since died. He is known for being a difficult lion to be around and not many others want to be around a lion with no real control over their own temper. Plus once Malik sets his mind on something there is almost no changing his mind, he will do what he wants and how he wants it. After all he believes he is one of the best warriors within the scourge and often flaunts this. 

There are many flaws behind Malik and he is still young, the head strong, stubborn overly loyal lion has many skeletons in his closet that he hopes never escapes. Malik had only one true goal in his life and that was to be nothing like his own father, but was he doesn't realize is how much he has become Cathan. History seemed to have repeated itself.. 


  • Rules/Order
  • Training
  • Working/keeping busy.
  • --
  • --


  • His father and any siblings who stayed by his side.
  • The Pride
  • Someone lying to him. 
  • His own sexuality
  • --

Element - Metal & Fire

Malik was blessed with the ability to control two elements: metal and Fire. Out of those two elements Malik has most control over metal as it was the only element his father possess and he was able to teach him how to control and use it. Granted most of his knowledge behind

Metal:metal_orig.png Element stuff here



History here


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