Robin's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

CRUSTTT Global Rules

- Don't make similar designs/breedings or siblings with that design!
[UPDATE: You can do it BUT please keep them in the tab of the original design]
- Don't separate character redesigns (create a separate tab for it)
- Do NOT delete designs profile. If you did that mean you can't sell this design for money anymore because Im not sure if you real owner of the character. (Or prove that its legally your character).
[UPDATE: this is not PERMANENT rule!! When you prove that its your character you can resell them again!!
Characters created by N00ney/eeewww/nooney/lopalu are 100% legit as well]
-Please dont resell/retrade and etc (vouchers and 3-way-trade also counts) my designs for overprice if character has no additional art!!

Please do not sell or trade my designs to:

Hushesss | ZERO_moron | ZER0_moron | TrashHushesss | AshBonk | | | |
-reason: stealing characters ( yes its all one person )