

Name: Split
Age: 25(In Human Years)
Sex: Male
Gender: Bigender (Uses any Pronouns)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Date of Birth: October 13th
Place of Birth: tba
Species: Freas
Occupation/Job: tba
World/Universe: A Fantasy World

Height: 4'11"
Weight: 115lbs
Fur Color: Dark Grey, Grey, Light Grey, Pastel Blue and Pastel Green
Eye Color: Pastel Purple, Lavender and Pastel Pink
Main Color: Pastel Blue and Pastel Green
Body Type: Feminine
Posture: Tall
Accessories: Golden Gauges in each ear

Personality: Split is a soft, sweet male. He is always happy to help and explain things when needed as well as being a very good listening. He always seems very sleepy, able to nap anywhere, any time. Split wants to make others happy, willing to make new friends at every turn. He is overly optimistic, glass half full kinda guy. Sees the good in everything and every one, no matter how horrible or scary they seem to be.
Likes: Naps, Pillows, Blankets, Stuffed animals - Will add more later on
Dislikes: Water, Sour/Spicy foods - Will add more later on
Self Control: High
Motivation: Very High
Intelligence Level: Average
Confidence Level: Average
Greatest Fear/Phobia: Water

Hobbies: Drawing, Sleeping and Helping others
Habits: Can and will fall asleep, standing up
Area of Residence/Environment: TBA
Home Description: TBA
Health: Very Healthy, just always tired


(Currently Empty - Hoping to Fill soon)

v Family v

  • N/A

v Friends v

  • N/A

v Best friend v

  • N/A

v Significant Other/Crush v

  • N/A

v Enemies v

  • N/A




Normal Long Neck

Wolf Tail


Boar Tusks

Sharp Horns

Multicolored Horns/Mane/Pawpads/Wings


Angel Wings

Long AF Bunny Ears