
8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Bozka 'Boz' Valus


Mid 40's




6ft / 1.82m





Optimistic and kind, but also a little sad. Would give you the shirt off his back. Is a bit socially awkward and shy. A gentle giant. Can be a little oblivious and gullible. One of those people that seems to be able to find a silver lining in any cloud no matter how bad things seem, even if its only to convince himself things will get better. Has issues with insomnia and always looks a bit tired.

Odd jobs, mostly manual labor. Also accidentally becomes something of a local crime fighter.

{Fun facts about Boz}

  • Has a condition that effects his ability to use magic. Not only is his magic weakened, but it gives him terrible migraines whenever he does attempt any magic. The insomnia is also a symptom. No known cure.
  • Has a hard time holding a steady job due to the migraines/insomnia, and sticks to work that doesn't require the use of magic, manual labor being a favorite choice. He's a pretty big guy after all.
  • Relies on sleeping droughts and pain-reducing potions that he gets from other local Wizards. Has become quite dependent on this.
  • Can't really afford the best living conditions or new clothes. Mostly dresses in warn and tattered clothing (no, the magical girl outfit is not his usual attire, but it is the  most fun to draw ;D )
  • Once was a promising student  at a  magical university. This was when all the problems started, and he subsequently dropped out.
  • His Familiar is Cassia, a sassy three-eyed cat. He did not create her, but found her. She was badly injured at the time.
  • His hobby as a magical girl crime fighter started with the foiling of a robbery. Cassia insisted he needed a disguise before confronting the criminals, though due to his issues with magic use he couldn't create on on his own. Fortunately for him she could use her own magic to transform his appearance, unfortunately for him her fashion sense is questionable at best.
  • Became something of a local celebrity after his first appearance as the scantily-clad crime fighter. While he regretted the outfit choice, he enjoyed his newly found ability to do good.
  • No one in the town suspects that the awkward tired himbo is actually the mysterious and brave hero!
  • His bond with Cassia bolsters his own magical abilities, and he even began to realize his symptoms were improving to more manageable levels.