πŸ‚ Davey Luskey, "Raccoon" (Rabid Raccoon)



2 years, 18 days ago


Rabid Raccoon

"Jason, my head hurts."

Like I said in his main bio, Raccoon dies of rabies, ironically after his escape from theΒ mental institution.

And at this time, Jason had been dead for years and was in his own zombie stage.

When he was alive, Raccoon's personality was very similar to a tamed Raccoon.

Playful, adventurous, tricky, mischievous; but a silly and sweet resourceful thief.

But now dead, his personality has shifted to that of a wild raccoon.

Angry, vocal, wild, violent, and dangerously tricky. Raccoon kills by setting traps and luring with tricks.


Visual-wise, his skin had taken on the appearance of someone in the early stages of decay. His body is mostly a blotchy mess of pale, red, and purple.

His veins are a dark purple, and his eyes are glassy and glazed over, at times dry and bloodshot.
His fingernails are lengthy and sharp. I may exaggerate them in my drawings though

Around the areas that are more "full" like his belly and thighs, have more of a reddish tone with flecks of pale, while the ends of his body, fingertips, ear tips, and nose have a dark purple hue due to the lack of blood flow in these areas.

While both Raccoon and Jason became more violent in their zombie stages, not much has changed at home together despite being a bit more snappy, but it's nothing too serious that a little wrestling can't fix.

Raccoon was bitten by a raccoon. He had become careless after his escape and too excited to get back out and be free again. The raccoon who bit him was namedΒ Crisco, a pet he would regularly feed.

Jason did not understand and could not comprehend what was happening to Raccoon. He already had a poor understanding of the concept of death and disease. He did, however, know in his own way that something was wrong, even if he didn't know what it was.

By the time Raccoon showed symptoms, it was already too late, and his health quickly snowballed into migraines, confusion beyond confusion, hallucinations, seizures, and a fear of water.

This version of Raccoon is afraid of water, and it's his main weakness, much like Jason Voorhees himself.
Β I know in Freddy Vs Jason only, but I thought it was a nice development for Jason's character.

He wraps his face for the same reason he wraps his arms, he is not confident in his appearance. As time goes on, and the decay becomes more severe, so will the wrapping.

His voice is deep and raspy, a contrast to his voice when he was alive, which was soft and breathy.

Rabid Raccoon is known to burst out in laughing fits, have wild mood swings, drool and foam, twitch in seizure-like fits, and is extremely violent. However, he's never lost that constant smile on his face.

While Raccoon is quick, lean, and tricky, Jason is slow, bulky, and brutal; Like a Bear and a Raccoon.

