

Basic Info




24 ?

Gender, species

Non-binary human. (he/she/they pronouns)


Memories lost doesn't matter when you're content to live in the moment. 

Oh, if only you knew how much of yourself that you're missing.

Outwardly they may look big, serious and stoic but on the inside, they're quite a nervous person. They are curious but cautious and a naturally polite and caring person. They are also pescetarian. 

Physical description:
180 cm tall. They have a feminine body type with a chubby build but are pretty big-boned in general. Their skin is slightly tanned and their curly, long hair is a deep red. They usually put it in a big bun on top of their head. Their eyes are a deep amber color, set under thick eyebrows. They've got one eyebrow piercing as well as one in their bottom lip. 

Before the memory loss, they had shorter hair with shaved sides as well as no earrings or eyebrow piercing.

Magic shop owner and practitioner. 

(to be added)

Ongoing story:
[follows game-plot]

+ painting 

+ plants 
- rude people
- most meats

+ careful
+ polite, caring and nurturing
+ / - quickly takes to people
- pretty people 
- panics easily 
- natural worrier

  Star sign - Cancer
  Favorite food - Lobster 
  Favorite drink - Elderflower cordial
  Favorite flower - (to be determined) 
  Tarot card - Temperance 
* Aside from what's established in canon, they are also good at enchanting (putting a magical spell onto an object or living thing, giving it a certain effect) and potion-making, selling these objects in question in their shop.
* Their animal equivalent (?) is a stag.
Shared inspiration/moodboard with Ron