
Name: Glowing Veil

Nicknames: Veil, Glow, G.V.

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Age: 8 years old

Birthday: October 1st

Sexuality: Questioning(Later on becomes panromantic asexual)

Allegiance: Neutral, with a deep affection for his family and a dream of creating beautiful, memorable events

Cutie mark: A stylized wedding veil with a sparkling heart, symbolizing his passion for creating beautiful events and his love for the concept of marriage.

Personality in general: Glowing Veil is imaginative, gentle, and enthusiastic. He has a strong appreciation for beauty and romance, often dreaming about creating magical and memorable celebrations. Despite his young age, he has a keen eye for design and a love for all things elegant. He is very caring and often wants to make others happy by planning surprises and creating beautiful experiences.

Fatal flaw: His idealistic nature can sometimes lead him to overlook practical details, and his young age might make it difficult for him to handle the complexities of planning on his own. He may also become discouraged if things don’t go as planned.

Likes: Pretty dresses, planning celebrations, arranging flowers, and watching romantic movies and stories.

Dislikes: Messiness, arguments, and anything that disrupts the harmony and beauty of his plans.

Favorite food: Cupcakes with colorful frosting – he enjoys their sweetness and the way they look.

Favorite book: The Art of Wedding Planning – a book filled with beautiful illustrations and ideas for creating memorable events.

Favorite pony: His mother, Ivory Wisp, because of her elegance and the way she always makes him feel special.

Favorite animal: Swans – he admires their grace and beauty, often imagining them as part of his dream weddings.

Favorite song: Romantic Waltz – a graceful, dreamy tune that reflects his love for elegance and romance.

Favorite place: The edge of the forest, where he can watch other ponies going through their lives. He has to be careful not to be seen, but he wants to go out there.

Other favorites: Glittery decorations, fancy ribbons, soft fabrics, and the sight of a beautifully set table.

Least favorite Food: Foods that are too bland or simple – he prefers something with a bit of flair.

Other least favorites: Anything that ruins the aesthetic or disrupts his plans, like sudden messes or unplanned changes.

Place of residence: The family’s home in the Everfree Forest, with a special area dedicated to his creative projects and dream wedding ideas.

Occupation: Student and aspiring wedding planner, often found sketching ideas and arranging small mock events.

Talents: Creating beautiful designs, arranging flowers, and organizing events to be both elegant and memorable.

Hobbies: Planning mock weddings, drawing designs for dresses and decorations, collecting pretty fabric swatches, and daydreaming about future celebrations.

Parents: Ivory Wisp and Spectral Glow

Siblings: Eclipse Crawler, Glowing Veil, Secret Light, Opal Glimmer, Nocturne Loom

Other relatives: Unknown or estranged due to their unique appearance.

Friends: His siblings, especially Opal Glimmer and Secret Light, who often indulge his love for planning and design.

Enemies: Those who might dismiss or make fun of his dreams and interests, and anyone who disrupts the harmony and beauty of his plans.

Backstory: Glowing Veil has always been captivated by the idea of love and celebration. From a very young age, he was fascinated by weddings and the beautiful dresses he saw in books and stories. His parents encouraged his dreams, allowing him to explore his creativity and practice his skills. He often helps with family celebrations and loves making things look special. His passion for creating beautiful moments and his talent for design make him a cherished member of the family, and he dreams of one day becoming a renowned wedding planner.

How They Got Their Cutie Mark?: Glowing Veil earned his cutie mark when he organized a small, surprise celebration for his parent's anniversary. He meticulously arranged flowers, set up decorations, and even designed a special dress for the occasion for his mother! The event was so beautiful and heartfelt that his cutie mark appeared—a stylized wedding veil with a sparkling heart—symbolizing his talent for creating magical and memorable celebrations.