


29 days, 7 hours ago


  • rich family, organized crime business. mother passed away in childbirth, leaving her father as her sole guardian. lots of pressure from the dad to continue the family legacy since there's no siblings
  • her father is the head of the mafia. doesn't abuse her, but doesn't take kindly to the idea of her Not Doing what he wants
  • she can't handle the pressure. her repressed lesbianism makes her not wanna date or stick with any of the men her father keeps trying to set her up with
  • one day she sets her family's mansion on fire and fakes her own death. gets a pretty big burn injury on one arm in the process, but faking her death is successful. she fleas with a big chunk of the family fortune. nobody dies in the family (idk about the staff that works at the mansion. if anyone died because of her no they didn't)
  • faking her death is successful! she starts a new identity under a new name, probably gets some kind of cover up job so nobody questions why she's mysteriously rich
  • she's normal! don't worry about The Past Events. wears a glove or something to cover her burn scar