Evan Profile Base (Ignore)




The 18th Century (He's had some rather bad experiences)
Going Fast
Junk Food (Twinkies are a weakness)
Stealing things, especially petty things (He's a klepto)
His medical issues and anxieties
Waiting on the world
People in general and children, before he had his own
Alcohol (He had a problem with it in his teenage years)

Evan spends much of his time in his room and also hangs out in the basement. He hides food and many different objects in the basement, including Twinkies, cupcakes, CD's, vintage TV's and other petty objects. He can be rather sassy, rebellious and is full of himself. On the other hand, while he can be very cocky, he has a very melancholic side to him, mainly because, of his Bipolar disorder. He often feels shame about his ability during one of his manic episodes and has even been suicidal. At one point, about the age of 16 he started drinking after his anxiety and depression. 

He likes video games and  movies, he also does this in his room/basement. He is very anti social and gets severe social anxiety, seizures and panic attacks. He is a rather sad and sickly person, however, his conditions improved with age. very impatient, doesn't like the dark, full of himself,  kleptomaniac, pranks a lot, is very intelligent but never serious, seems  to act like he has had way too much caffeine, talks really fast, loves  punk/rock music.

Created: Approximately 5-6 months ago, 2018. May 6th or a couple days after that.

Cocky, overly-confident, rigged with social anxiety and "somewhat" of a kleptomaniac, Evan is often quick to act and is impatient due to his enhanced speed and always being three steps ahead of everyone else. Evan  often frets as he states he "always has to wait for everyone to catch  up". He has a fast-paced manner of speaking and acting, which many mention frequently. Unlike many of his supernatural peers, Evan shows off his powers, even in public. is very anti-social and claims to hate everybody. Despite this, he has a very "tongue-in-cheek" sense of humor.  In addition, Evan is a lover of music of various sorts, such as Jim Croce, Eurythmics, and Pink Floyd and listens to it every time he goes on a run. He also loves art icon, Andy Warhol. Furthermore, squidgy demeanor aside, Evan appears to have a consideration and value for life. For example, he will even save a goldfish from a dangerous situation and when his abusive ex-girlfriend, Miranda wished to abort their daughter, Ryan, he convinced her conceive and care for the child until she was born. Evan then went on his way and cared for Ryan while Miranda was absent. He had another situation like that with his younger daughter, Emily. Fortunately, her mother was much nicer. She still doesn't play much part in Emily's life at all though.

Nunc ac accumsan nisi. Vestibulum viverra feugiat diam vel rhoncus. Quisque quam elit, sollicitudin ac turpis et, imperdiet imperdiet sapien. Nulla feugiat dui erat, ac eleifend turpis scelerisque a. Etiam id lacus lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tempor massa at mi laoreet condimentum. Cras molestie ipsum a quam pharetra pharetra. Nulla ut sapien porttitor, maximus tortor et, vulputate dui. Suspendisse sodales nisl at vehicula malesuada. Cras vel libero pharetra, volutpat lectus vel, rhoncus enim. Phasellus eget lectus interdum, ornare lorem vitae, commodo libero. Aenean dapibus eros quis lacus hendrerit efficitur. Aenean lobortis scelerisque nisl, in rutrum diam maximus eu. In a placerat turpis, in condimentum odio. Cras id risus nisl.

Phasellus at est eu lorem euismod volutpat nec a mauris. Praesent volutpat auctor laoreet. Sed accumsan consequat tellus id iaculis. Mauris lacinia laoreet porta. Vivamus a massa urna. Sed rutrum justo sit amet arcu malesuada, vitae dapibus neque vestibulum. In massa libero, sagittis id scelerisque at, commodo non nulla. Pellentesque euismod imperdiet pretium. Vivamus convallis orci aliquam risus tincidunt dapibus. Maecenas nec magna id magna bibendum euismod.

Aliquam ornare, tortor maximus rhoncus lobortis, est magna mollis dolor, et posuere nisi est et risus. Fusce ultrices lacus ante, sit amet elementum nisi egestas et. Vivamus arcu est, interdum accumsan turpis a, lacinia pellentesque metus. Nam sodales dui vitae velit luctus placerat. Phasellus nec facilisis est. Suspendisse ante est, vestibulum et sem eget, vulputate lacinia nisi. Aenean nec fermentum velit.

Suspendisse ac arcu suscipit, egestas libero ut, tristique sem. Sed a consequat justo, eu porta leo. Nullam facilisis sem in aliquet tempus. Donec vel magna a mi congue aliquam. Phasellus tempus sem sed justo condimentum, et ultricies ligula ultricies. Curabitur auctor urna id purus rutrum, in posuere mauris tincidunt. Phasellus sollicitudin turpis eu tincidunt porttitor.


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