Lori Of Soul eater!



5 years, 8 months ago


NAME: Lori
AGE: 12 at the start of soul eater! (for age comparison she is 2 years younger than kid)
BIRTHDAY: January 1st
HEIGHT: 5’ 2”
WEIGHT: 145 Lbs (Pounds)


   Lori’s parents were never very fond of their daughter. They were a poor family that already had 2 son’s and really didn’t have much interest in raising another child. So when a witch by the name of Kumari came along and offered to buy their daughter they really didn’t blink an eye. Lori was very small when that happened, but was just barely old enough to understand what had happened.

     Heart broken, and crushed with the realization of being sold to a stranger Lori unwillingly went with Kumari. The witch lived far from other towns or villages which made it that much easier to keep children from their families. It was at Kumari’s house where Lori met two brothers who went by the names Alexander who was the older one and much more watchful and protective, and Jayden who was younger and had a slightly arrogant attitude towards things. The brothers quickly became friends and often tried to stay close to one another. Using their ability to turn into twin blade swords to protect Lori while out on jobs given to them by Kumari.

     As Lori grew use to living with the witch she grew braver often time’s wandering too far, and causing the witch to get angry with her. Not because she was worried for the girls safety, but because the feared this would eventually lead to Lori escaping the witch’s cruel hands. In order to keep Lori from continuing this bad habit she created a curse that prevents Lori from getting to far from the witch without permission. When Lori go’s past the distance Kumari has set at the time she will grow sick, and tired. The further away Lori get’s the stronger the effects are. It wasn’t enough to kill her, but it was enough to get her to come back or turn around.

     Kumari used the children to handle tasks she herself didn’t care to bother with. At first these tasks were simple missions that required them to collect designated item’s, or to fight certain creatures to gather ingredients for spells. But as they got older, and stronger these tasks evolved from harmless simple tasks and to much more violent ones. Murder, Theft, or flat out manipulation to force something to happen. Lori, Alexander, and Jayden committed a handful of bad deed’s with much reluctant. It was not rare for them to make an attempt to refuse these requests. Kumari however was not having it. When one of them refused she threatened the lives of what few family members they had left. Playing to their fears and forcing them to do what their told.

     If they didn’t listen they risked a family member being murdered, or in some cases have Kumari threaten to cause harm to one of the other children.

     Lori was still very worried about the safety of her family. Despite being sold. She still had two siblings that she cared for a great amount, and kept the belief that she would one day see them again. When she turned 10 she started to take a sneak peek at Kumari’s spell books when the witch was out handling things on her own. Most of it was stuff way to complicated for her to understand but this didn’t stop her from trying. She believed that if she could learn how to use magic then she could eventually beat Kumari at her own game. A thought she never let escape further than her own head. If she failed then everyone would be punished which was the exact reason she never wanted to put her theory to the test. Kumari had been studying magic for year’s after all. There was no way someone like Lori stood a chance against Kumari.

     Finally at the ripe age of 12 Lori, Alexander, and Jayden were given a job that required the trio to pass through Lori’s home town. The same town where her family lived. The job was suppose to be simple pick up a designated item and return. However with Lori being so close to home she started to beg the two brothers to make a small trip to her old home to see them. After much pestering she won the argument and off the 3 went. Venturing off of the main road and into one of the many streets of the town. The closer she got the more excited she became. This excitement left her when she opened the door finding only terror.

     Bodies were sprawled out on the floor, while the house smelled of murder. It was a surprising scene. Soon realizing that the only reason people couldn’t smell it from the outside was because there was a spell on the house. Her light purple eyes glanced around at each body up until Alexander moved in to shield them. There was no doubt that these bodies were her once thought to be alive family. They had been dead, and for a good amount of time at that. and it was far to obvious that it had been Kumari who had killed them.

     The Trio took refuge in a hotel after finding the horrifying scene to recollect themselves, and after some heavy debating and conversation they made the decision to not return to the witch. The three would take a chance and go against Kumari. There was no point in staying if there wasn’t much left to protect. And if the curse placed on Lori started to cause to much pain Alexander would carry her regardless of just how much it hurt.