


5 years, 11 months ago


NAME: Alexander
AGE: 14 at the start of soul eater!
BIRTHDAY: Augest 9th
HEIGHT: 5’ 10”
WEIGHT: 180 Lbs (Pounds)

     When Alexander was small he and his younger brother Jayden were kidnapped by a witch who went by the name Kumari. He was only 6 when this happened, while Jayden was 4 leaving both boys defenseless against the witch when she made her move to run off with them. 

    Both boys were frequently introduced to threats of their families well being to get Alexander to do what she wanted him to do. At the start these tasks were simple ones. Keep the house clean, don’t wander to far away from the forest. At first Alex attempted to rebel, but stopped being disobedient after the first year. After that first year he did as told and rarely ever tried to protest even when the job’s started to become more sinister the older he got.

     2 years after being kidnapped is when Lori had shown up. Her eyes worn with tears due to the knowledge of her parents selling her to some stranger. The sight of the fearful 6 year old caused Alexander to reach out to her, and adopted her as a younger sister in order to help ease the pain.

     Due to his lack of resisting Alexander received more rewards for doing as told without complaint. As he grew older he was given more freedom. which prompted him to horde back what money he had to buy his first guitar. This money having been gained by selling items he found while out on jobs, and doing a bit of trading. It didn’t take long for him to figure out how to play the instrument. Using his free time to practice while Kumari was out taking care of personal matters.

     When there is a lot of stress going on for Jayden or Lori he’ll often play for them in an attempt to help them calm down, or lul the two to sleep on nights where it just didn’t seem possible.

     Over the years Alex gained a slightly protective over the two younger members of the trio often looking out for them even long after they’ve fallen asleep. It was his plan to do as told so he could get closer to Kumari and figure out a weakness rather than constantly rebel and risk one of the others being punished because of him. His number one concern was taking care of the group despite the difficult situation.