Laeus Mobula



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Laeus Mobula

Age: 23

Height: 11'3

Gender: Male (a bit feminine)

Occupation: Tomb Guard

Habitat: Near The Point 

Personality/Traits/Quirks: Big ego, loves how he looks, smiles all round, always eves dropping, flirts once and a while, does the heart shape with his hands for no reason, wishes he had horns, when things get tough he panics

He likes not wearing much clothes because why not, he does like jewelry though but its not easy to get his hands on.

Refuses to go on land. 

Loves to surface when its raining though.

History: He lives a simple life in a family that barely supports him, they pay for his home and food but not for his travel so thats why he signed up for a job and was given a easy one to his luck to be a Tomb Guard. Often carries a silver dagger hidden under his wing, its very detailed and has a lovely design it also glows slightly which might be from the jewel embedded into the blade.