Can i get e4 ? i wanted to do pinkie as the pony of choice :3

Race: unicorn

Gender: female/ leaning non-binary, but i dont mind

Aesthetic: rocker heavy, piercings, spikes, party beads, early 2000 scene kid vibe

Design Notes: i have 2 other pinkie and dj ocs, so id like the design to be solid white or some kinda markings im not picky, the rest you can do whatever :3c

yes, of course! i'll add you to my waitlist! which payment method do you prefer?

i can do venmo !

okie dokie, the venmo is @ blueskye75 pls make sure to convert so its €10 EUROS and add your slot number to the note ^^

ok sent !

oh! you sent it on paypal instead?

2 Replies