


1 month, 2 days ago


Dapplesplash  Fem. She/Her  Dark Forest, formerly Shadeclan and Shadowclan

Dapplesplash joined Shadeclan with the promise of being protected from those who threatened her safety in her home clan (Shadowclan). Only a few moons after joining, the patrol she was on was ambushed and she was badly wounded then drowned, she refuses to acknowledge the fact that they needed to protect themselves first and believes that her older/more experienced clanmates didn't even try to protect her.

She has one hell of a grudge against her former clanmates, and by extension all of Shadeclan. She believes that she was in more danger in Shadeclan than she was in Shadowclan.

Not feeling safe enough to return her loyalty to Starclan and thinking that Shadeclan are at fault for her death has made her extremely angry and aggressive towards both, she will brutally attack anyone who provokes her as well as sometimes ambushing living cats out of anger that they get to live safely when she couldn't. She won't harm kittypets unless they provoke her, loners/rogues who live on Clan territory or interact with the Clans aren't safe from her though.

(will be edited later to add her old design to her gallery)