


5 years, 7 months ago


1st design for ?? new species

this boi is a pure boi,,. very hardworking, enthusiastic, earnest, and optimistic! very empathetic and tends to take others problems on as his own.

a humanoid species descended from dragons. strong scales for defense, and evolved fur for warmth. They can't fly well with their wings, as they have trouble propelling themselves upwards without the help of magic, but they're excellent gilders. There are no bones in their wings, but there are strong muscles where structurally bones would be (see: bat wings). These muscles are usually relaxed, leaving their wings very flexible, but they tense up during flight. They tend to live among areas with high structures they can climb and/or jump off of, such as trees or cliffs. Although their teeth and claws are developed for hunting prey, they are omnivores who also eat berries and herbs. Their claws are curved for gripping surfaces and hunting, and both their hands and paws have pads. Their paws resemble bird feet in shape, and are used to grip surfaces, specifically tree branches. They have very good control over their tails, and they use them to grip branches and maintain balance. Being completely covered in hard scales under the fur, their tails tend to be very heavy, which can be in their favor, as they use them for weapons (see: komodo dragons). Their tails also have spines which raise when threatened, and can be used in addition to their tail weight for battling. Although they have many practical uses, the weight of their tails is often exhausting to drag around, so they have a habit of wrapping it around themselves when relaxing instead of holding them up. They can harness elemental magic, but the most common and most natural to them is fire, and all of them can use it with ease.

he needs som proper cloths.....