Yoru Dakurai



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Yoru Dakurai      弥折癒 打何励     <弥> extensive,full; fill; complete; <折> break off,snap; bend; <癒> get well,recover; <打> strike,hit,beat; fight; attack; <何> what,why,where,which,how; <励> strive; encourage;

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: hetero

Occupation: eventually works part time at Doro’s restaurant

Height: 6’1 and a half

Hair Color: dark purple

Hair Type: messy and medium length

Eye Color: red

Skin Color: Almond

School: U.A. general education

Year: 2nd

Distinguishing Features: his fangs, purple hair and glowing red eyes



Likes: making something tasty, being with his friends, being helpful, big open spaces, tricking people, people’s reactions when he tricks them, Saishi, the red dice necklace she bought him

Dislikes: bugs flying into his glowing eyes, homework, pain, onions (the taste and them making him cry), going under water, people getting aggressive with him

Habits: testing things hardness by biting it

Fears: drowning underwater

Personality: confident in most social situations unless he truly likes someone, generally realistic with a touch of positivity and ready to help out someone who needs it.hint cocky in certain situations, enjoys tricking people with his quirk, but at the same time feels his quirk to be useless and gives him the feeling of uselessness


Family: Mom- Akura Dakurai

Quirk: shadow teleportation

Dad- Unknown

Left when Yoru’s quirk manifested and wasn’t what he wanted it to be

Romantic Interests: Saishi Sunarasu

Allies: Jishaku, Aiyana, Saishi, Doro, Netsuhira, Akut

Rivals: wip

Enemies: wip

Physical Weaknesses: when something gets in his eyes

Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Father things slightly bother him



Name of your quirk: Midnight Gaze

Description: He has to think of the area around him turning completely dark, doing so causes the people within the area to go blind for a few minutes. 

Strength: tricking people with his quirk

Weaknesses: people with good hearing, he himself goes blind after a few minutes of it having worn off on his victim, has a hard time focusing on a singular person

What age did you obtain it: 5

How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): mom was bathing him and suddenly couldn’t see (and Yoru almost drowned)



His quirk showed up at the age of 5, his mom was bathing him and suddenly she couldn't see and almost drowned her son before the blindness wore off and she apologized profusely and did whatever she could to make it up to him for doing that. After his quirk manifested, Yoru's dad left out of disappointment. He only stuck around to see what sort of quirk his son would have and since it only caused 'blindness' and nothing his father considered as 'powerful' causing him to leave, seeking a child with more strength. Yoru's mom then raised him to have a respect for women and did what she could in hopes he wouldn't become like his father and leaving a mother with a child.

Yoru was always good looking and never actually had an awkward faze (lucky him). Always managing to be surrounded by other good looking kids and never really was forced to be alone. In middle school when his friend's started dating he decided he should too, just to try and fit in. He had a few girlfriends but never anything he considered 'serious' for he never really felt anything for them. He respected them and their wants but would only go as far as kissing them before cutting it off. Telling the girls that he couldn't give them his all due to not having any feeling for them.

He has lived alone with his mom but she has mostly been busy at work so she could make enough money for the both of them. This caused Yoru to spend a lot of time being alone at his home and taught him quickly how to take care of himself and he even taught himself how to cook! After many trial and errors he has actually became quite good at cooking and enjoys making it, as well as seeing the happy/content look on his mom's face when she eats it.

 He managed to get into Shiketsu High for his first year but didn't feel he belonged. By his second year he transferred to U.A. and was accepted into the general education course. He was quickly able to make his own friends even before the school year even started. Him and this group had decided to go to an American themed diner called Doro's Diner. While being there he felt a bit off and didn't know why, if it was anxiety or nervousness or what. While in thought he didn't realize their waitress had come up and was talking to them, when he heard she was also going to go to U.A. he finally looked up and found himself blushing. This was how he met Saishi, as soon as he saw her he automatically felt things he never had for anybody else and found himself almost excited that they'd be going to the same school. To which his new friends noticed the blush and stares he was giving and picked on him for it.

Although he managed to get into the prestigious hero school, he goes through spurts of feeling useless and incapable of doing many things. Since his quirk only causes other people to go blind for a bit he hasn't found a very good use for it. Pointing out to himself how he isn't strong or fast or capable like all the other people and is surrounded by so many that have such amazing quirks.

At school he found her and would hang out with Saishi, trying to flirt but she never noticed it as flirting so he just did his best to be there for her and befriend her, even if she never felt something for him. /he enjoyed every moment he could with her and even began working part time at Doro's Diner too to spend more time with her but at the same time this had him meet Saishi's parents. He and Saishi became close friends and began hanging out more and more naturally which made Yoru very happy. Some time before the dorms were put in, Yoru noticed he hadn't heard from Saishi in almost a day which was odd since they got to the point they'd message daily. The police came to Yoru's house suddenly and took him to their station. Within there he was questioned about Saishi and shown pictures of a strange girl having crammed pictures of herself with his own photos. The police showed him bits of his own hair and stuff also found in this girl's vicinity and found they went to the school middle school and she followed him to U.A. He didn't recognize her or anything and was creeped out with how much stuff she had from him and asked what was going on and why he was here, only to be told that this girl had kidnapped Saishi and the police found all this memorabilia so they brought him in for questioning, thinking he may have something to do with Saishi's attack.

Upon hearing the news he was discovered to be free and have a alibi, being he was with his mom cuz he was. They told him where Saishi was and out of panic and worry got to the hospital as soon as he could. Waiting until he was able to see her his heart dropped seeing she was hooked to machines and the nurses told him she was stabbed in the stomach and cut on her shoulder. Seeing her like this in the hospital bed, injured and by someone who had become overly infatuated with him, Yoru couldn't help but feel it was his fault, if he never came to U.A. he wouldn't have met her and she wouldn't have gotten hurt like this. The guilt chewed at him and the image of Saishi hurt only made him on the verge of tears. Although it hurt him, he chose to try and keep himself away from her, not knowing if this was the right thing to do or not. Yoru still managed to bring in flowers for her almost daily but wouldn't go in to see her, only increasing the pain he felt and the guilt.

When Saishi was permitted to go back to school he still tried to avoid her, being plagued with the thought of her having become injured partially because of him. But seeing her at school again, smiling, laughing and just... being herself, his feelings only built and while he still felt bad about what happened, he was still incredibly happy that he was able to meet her. Now working on building the courage to admit his feelings he managed to leave her a note to meet him after school. After school came and Saishi went to the meeting place and after a breath he managed to tell her that he's liked her ever since they first met and even if she doesn't return his feelings, he'd still like to be close to her. Yoru was shocked when she returned his feelings and started crying, telling him never to avoid her like that again.

Now they go on dates and enjoy every moment they have with one another, though Yoru had spurts of the guilty feeling when Saishi would get clingy to her friends and paranoid from the attack and when her scars would ache but he did his best to make her happy