Jishaku Suko



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Jishaku Suko

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Thought to have been Asexual but is demi

Occupation: none

Height: 6’2

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Hair Type: Bald but his magnetism keeps magnetic sand formed on his right side

Eye Color: right eye is red, left eye is blue

Skin Color: dark grey

School: U.A. Hero Class 2A

Year: 2nd

Distinguishing Features: He has pieces of what appear to be metal on both his sides going from his cheeks, along his collarbone and enveloping his forearms and hands


Hero/Villain Profile

Hero/villain Name: The Magnetic Hero- Allure

Costume: wear heavy combat military style boots that dont do much for stealth, but look cool as hell and if in an echo-ey area it does a lot for intimidation. He would wear somewhat loose cargo style pants with lots of big pockets that he fills with metal shrapnel to use in battle. His jacket stays similar to his normal wear, but instead its made out of a somewhat reflective heavy scale looking cloth that almost looked like hematite in color and then he wears fingerless gloves with metal encased over his knuckles to increase his control and effectiveness of punching

Quirk: He can attract or repel any sort of metal

Weapons: pieces of metal shrapnel

Gadgets/Tech: none



Likes: training, exercising, studying, helping people

Dislikes: silence, burnt food, stuck up people, feeling alone, being asked if he sees things like when you put 3D glasses on

Habits: tends to stick to himself, attraction quirk activates sometimes when he passes out and he will wake up with silverware and other metal things stuck to him that was within his vicinity

Fears: To be left behind and be alone again


Family: adopted by his gay dads

Romantic Interests: Jade

Enemies: League of Villains

Physical Weaknesses: Can’t attract metal if it’s too far away, can become sluggish from over exertion, body starts aching and cramping up from over use, can’t repel and attract at the same time or his body would try to rip itself apart.

Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Fear of his loved one’s leaving him behind, not being useful or helpful



Name of your quirk: Magnetism

Description: Can attract or repel any metal object within the span of a football field

Strength: the metal can attract or repel at high speeds according to how long it’s been being pushed or pulled

Weaknesses: no metal in area

What age did you obtain it: 4 and a half

How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Setting the table at the orphanage and noticing that the silverware he just put down was gone so he repeated putting down more only for it to disappear again until someone noticed and told him that they were all stuck to his back