


5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Thresha

Gender: female

Age: 25

Occupation: swim couch

Height: 6’4

Hair Color: dark teal

Hair Type: Shoulder length, messy/spiky

Eye Color:black

Skin Color: light blue with a lighter blue on her stomach, fins and underside of her tail

Distinguishing Features: muscled hourglass shape with C cups, Has a pointed, shark like face with sharp teeth lining her mouth. Fins on both of her arms, smaller fins on the outer part of her thighs and even smaller ones on the back of her feet. She has a fin on the top of her head and ears that seem to be in the shape of her fins as well. She has gills under her ribs and a large-long tail



Likes: meat, soaking in salt water baths, exercising, muscles, strong people, meat partially raw if not totally, intimidating people such as bullies, diving, sitting deep underwater

Dislikes: chlorinated water, foods that aren’t meat and foods that are cooked all the way through, people picking on others, making fun of others though that person is trying their best

Habits: the tip of her tail wags when she’s eating food she likes or when happy

Fears: scared of biting someone if they start bleeding



Name of your quirk: Thresher Shark

Description: She has all the abilities of a  thresher shark. Can breathe in water and on land, her skin is rough to the touch and can hurt whomever rubs it, good swimmer that can swim at up to 30 mph due to the help of her tail, jaw can crush bones easily, whips her prey with her tail which is strong enough to make them immobile if they dont have a quirk thats good against it